Nov. 2, 8am-12noon

Creating Online Training Using Little or No Money

Scott Garrison  4.0 MLA CE available


Scott Garrison earned a master's of library science from UCLA. Having worked in health sciences library systems for eleven years, he is currently Assistant Dean for Technology and Systems at Western Michigan University Libraries, and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Practice at the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Information and Library Science.  Garrison has taught in-person continuing education courses for librarians on several topics (including HTML, digital libraries, open source software, and teaching online) since 1996.


Nov. 2, 1:00-5:00pm

Getting Magnetized--Search and Service Strategies for Nursing Excellence  4.0 MLA CE available

Peg Allen


Here's a link to her website where she has a biography and a picture posted.


Nov. 2, 8am-12noon

Health Sciences Librarians and Patient Safety: understanding leadership roles, reliability and failure  4.0 MLA CE available

Lorri Zipperer, Cybrarian, Zipperer Project Management and

Linda C. Williams, RN,MSI, Program Specialist, VA National Center for Patient Safety 4.0 MLA CE available


Nov. 2, 1:00-5:00pm

Patient Safety Resource Seminar: Librarians on the Front Lines - 4.0 MLA CE available

Holly Ann Burt


This half-day course focuses on how medical librarians can become more involved in patient safety activities within their organizations. Topics include current issues in patient safety, patient safety and the institution, and resources for health professionals, for administration and staff, and for patients and families.

