If you didn’t have the opportunity to attend MLA this year, catch up on what happened at the conference by reading the MLA Conference Blog. It’s a start! Any members who did attend please send articles to your newsletter editors for publication.
Year: 2012
Member Retirement
As of March 30th, Joy Kennedy will be retiring from NCH. Please forward all reference/research or administrative requests to the NCH library email address. Any personal messages can be sent to Joy’s personal email at For job seekers, her job is posted on
HSLI 2012 Conference – Save the Date!
SAVE THE DATE for the Health Science Librarians of Illinois 2012 Annual Conference, “Shaping the Future“,on November 1-2, 2012 in Chicago, Illinois. Conference Hotel: Springhill Suites, 8101 West Higgins Road, Chicago Nancy’s Reception: November 1 at Springhill Suites CE Classes: November 2 at Resurrection Medical Center, Chicago Watch for more information at this HSLI Newsletter blog site…