(via Lisa Kidd, HEDS Consortium) The spring version of our HEDS Research Practices Survey is currently open for registration. The survey asks college students about their research assignments, their experiences finding and using sources, and how much they enjoy research. The survey also includes a skills component that tests their abilities in finding, evaluating, and…
Day: February 14, 2021
Registration Open for ACRL 2021 Virtual Conference (April 13-16, Tues.-Fri.) — Early-Bird Deadline is Fri., March 12
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) ACRL announces the opening of registration for the ACRL 2021 Virtual Conference, “Ascending into An Open Future.” The Conference will be held April 13-16 (Tuesday-Friday). ACRL 2021 features a mix of more than 300 live and on-demand programs, interactive discussion groups, eye-popping posters, a social wall, fun connections and…
Call for Participation: Survey on NNLM All of Us Community Engagement Network (Deadline Fri., Feb. 26)
(via Brittney Thomas, NNLM All of Us Community Engagement Center) We are inviting you to complete a survey about the NNLM All of Us Community Engagement Network (CEN). The purpose of the survey is to learn about your experiences participating in the CEN and how we can improve our services to support your organization to…
Reminder: IACRL Seeking Panelists for Its Virtual Spring Semester Town Hall (Fri., March 12)–Deadline Sun., Feb. 21
(via Emily Gilbert, IACRL Vice-President/President-Elect) IACRL is seeking panelists for a Spring Semester Town Hall, (official title tbd) on Friday, March 12, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. If you are interested in sharing how your library has adapted their physical operations or adapted their online instruction & services, we invite you to be a…