(via Cynthia Reynolds, HSLI President) Several HSLI members have been collaborating on the Nursing Experts: Translating the Evidence (NExT) project to provide continuing education modules for nurses. These modules are now available, are free, and provide seven units each of continuing-education credit for nurses. We are asking that you share news of this opportunity with…
Day: February 28, 2021
Reminder: Proposals for ACRL North Carolina Chapter and Community & Junior College Libraries Section of the NCLA Joint Biennial Virtual Conference (Thurs., May 6) Due Sun., March 7
(via Dawn Behrend, ACRL North Carolina Chapter Chair) The ACRL NC Chapter and the Community & Junior College Libraries Section (CJCLS) of the North Carolina Library Association (NCLA) invites you to submit a proposal for their biennial virtual conference on Thursday, May 6. Proposals should align with our conference theme, Transforming Our Future: How Our…
Reminder: Breakout-Session Proposals for Lake Superior Libraries Symposium (Online Fri., June 11) Due Sun., March 14
(via Kayleen Jones, University of Minnesota Duluth) The organizers of the Lake Superior Libraries Symposium, or LSLS, invite breakout-session proposals for our ninth conference, which will be held virtually on Friday, June 11. There will be no registration cost for this year’s conference. This year’s theme, “Mapping Our Identity”, invites attendees to explore the varied…
Registration Open for Free BLOSSOM! Symposium on Library Staff Health and Wellness (HSLI Secretary JJ Pionke is Presenter)–Online March 24-26
(via the National Network of Libraries of Medicine-Greater Midwest Region) Please join us for BLOSSOM! Building Life-long Opportunities for Strength, Self-Care, Outlook, Morale, and Mindfulness. This is a free virtual symposium for library staff focused on their health and wellness. The event will take place from March 24 to 26 (Wednesday through Friday). The symposium will…
Reminder: Illinois Library Association Seeking Presenters for Noon Network Series
(via the Illinois Library Association) Have you implemented a process or procedure at your library during the pandemic? Do you have a previously submitted program proposal or a poster session that you think the Illinois library community should know about? If you answered yes to either of these questions, consider presenting your idea, program, or…