HSLI President, Fran Kovach, M.L.I.S, is the reference and education librarian at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. As we enter the final quarter of 2011, we continue to reflect on our value, and October is National Medical Librarians Month. Let’s raise our voices by conducting elevator speeches about our services, find creative ways to…
Author: Stacey Knight-Davis
HSLI Congratulation Message to NLM on 175 Years of Service
Check out the message Health Sciences Librarians of Illinois sent, congratulating NLM on 175 years of service, by clicking on link below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdWPvRZ1f64
Name for the Merged Illinois Library Systems
The Merger Transition Team for the merger of MLS and NSLS confirmed March 22, 2011 the new name for the merged library systems. The new name is: Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS). The creativity of the library community is applauded. Watch for more info from RAILS!
HSLI 2010 Conference: Review of Roundtable Discussions
The roundtables held at the 2010 HSLI Annual Conference were-well received; participants were lively and very much involved with the topics under discussion. This outcome supports the likelihood that these discussion groups will become a permanent feature of future conferences. TheĀ results of recording and photographing the sessions were mixed, and continued experimentation with these…
New ‘Member Publications Page’ on HSLI Website: Calling for Contributions
The HSLI Member Publications Page is in development for the HSLI website. If you have published articles, chapters, reviews, books, posters, presentations or obtained grants. Please send your bibliography to Stacey Knight-Davis at slknight@eiu.edu. Below are the guidelines to follow for submissions. HSLI Member Publications Listing – Inclusion Guidelines Citations shall be retained in the…
CE Hi-lites
Librarian Conferences coming up this year: The Medical Library Association 2011 Annual Conference, MLA 2011, “Rethink”, will be held in Minneapolis, MN May 13-18. The Illinois Library Association 2011 Annual Conference, “Bold Brilliant Brave” will be Oct. 18-20 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, 5555 N. River Rd., Rosemont, IL. The IACRL Annual Conference…
Member News
Lynne Ferrell, Librarian and Archivist, at Memorial Medical Center in Springfield, Illinois completed moving the Schnepp library to the fifth floor of the Medical Arts building. The new location has a wonderful view of Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. Hopefully no more floods, Lynne!