(via Chase Ollis, American Library Association) Join us in Denver, CO, for the day-long workshop “Engaging with the ACRL Framework: A Catalyst for Exploring and Expanding Our Teaching Practices”, offered at the 2018 ALA Midwinter Meeting. The workshop will take place from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Friday, February 9, 2018. A description of what…
Author: Eric Edwards
Nominations Sought for Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian of the Year Award (Deadline Dec. 1)
(via Jennifer Knievel, University of Colorado Boulder) The Dudley Award Subcommittee is now accepting nominations for the Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian of the Year Award, which honors a librarian who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of instruction in a college or research library environment. Winners will receive a $1,000 prize. For more…
Medical Library Association 2018 Conference Submissions Due October 10
(via the Medical Library Association) The 2018 National Program Committee seeks abstracts for contributed content for the theme, “Adapting | Transforming | Leading.” The call for submissions provides information on how to submit your abstract. You will rank how you prefer to present your content: paper, poster, or lightning talk. The National Program Committee also…
Free NLM Webinar “LinkOut for Libraries: From Icons to Full Text and Everything in Between” on October 18
(via Rebecca Brown, University of Utah) This is the National Library of Medicine webinar for which you’ve been waiting. Receive answers to the following questions and more. Have you wondered why you see duplicate icons on citations in PubMed? Or why you don’t see icons where you expect? Are you switching vendors and don’t know…
Call for Proposals: Designing for Digital (D4D) Conference (Deadline Nov. 14)
(via Kris Johnson, Montana State University) The D4D Program Planning committee has opened the 2018 call for proposals and is currently seeking three-hour workshops, 90-minute seminars, 45-minute sessions, and 20-minute short talks in these recently-revised tracks. tools and methods UX in practice service and physical space design trends, emerging issues, and the future of UX…
Call for Proposals: NASIG 2018 Annual Conference, “Transforming the Information Community”
(via NASIG, formerly the North American Serials Interest Group, Inc.) The NASIG 33rd Annual Conference, themed “Transforming the Information Community”, will take place June 8-11, 2018, in Atlanta, GA. Publishers, vendors, librarians, and others in the fields of electronic resources, serials, library publishing and scholarly communication are encouraged to submit proposals relating to scholarly communication,…
Registration Open for Oct. 25 “Digging Deeper, Reaching Further: Libraries Empowering Users to Mine the HathiTrust Digital Library Resources” Workshop on Text Mining
(via Margaret Chambers, CARLI, on behalf of the “Digging Deeper, Reaching Further” project team) Are you a librarian interested in learning more about digital humanities methods and text mining? Register now to attend a day-long text mining workshop for librarians, at Northwestern University Library in Evanston, IL, on Wednesday, October 25. This workshop will be…
STS Signal Call for Submissions (Deadline Oct.2)
(via Melissa Johnson, Augusta University) As the co-editor of the Signal, the newsletter of ACRL’s Science & Technology Section, I am soliciting news to include in the Fall edition. Can you please send any information you’d like included to Melissa Johnson (mjohns69@augusta.edu) by Monday, October 2? To see the types of content included in past…
Early-Bird Registration for Midwest MLA / MHSLA 2017 Conference Ends Sept. 23
(via Miranda Shake, Health Science Librarians of Illinois President, on behalf of the Midwest MLA / MHSLA Publicity Committee) Join us for “Pure Information”, the joint conference of the Midwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association and the Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Association, Oct. 13 – 16, 2017. This conference, being held in Ypsilanti, MI,…
Call for Papers: MLA Meyerhoff Prize (Deadline Nov. 1)
(via Lisa McGuire, University of Minnesota) The Erich Meyerhoff (formerly Murray Gottlieb) Prize is awarded annually by the Medical Library Association for the best unpublished scholarly paper about a topic in the history of the health sciences. The purpose of the prize is to recognize and stimulate interest in the history of the health sciences….