(via Gwen Greogry, incoming IACRL President) Will you be in Peoria this week? If you are at the Illinois Library Conference, please consider attending several IACRL events. Everyone is welcome at these events, even if you are not registered at the conference. We will be hosting a site on the Pub Stroll (New Amsterdam Brewery,…
Author: Eric Edwards
Facetime at Joint Conference
(Via Debbie Baaske, Member Engagement Manager for Reaching Across Illinois Library System) I would also like to put in a plug for Facetime. This is an opportunity to network with colleagues on particular topics at talk tables. Facetime will be held on Friday, 9-10am in room 222 of the Peoria Civic Center. A continental breakfast…
Volunteers Needed for IACRL Table at Joint Conference
(via Lindsay Harmon, incoming IACRL Vice-President/President-Elect) Posted on behalf of Andrew Lenaghan, IACRL President Greetings, IACRLers! The first combined Illinois Libraries Conference is only two days away! We are in need of volunteers for the IACRL Table in the Exhibits Hall during the Exhibit Hours. You do not need to be an actively involved member…
Volunteers Needed for ILA Exhibits
(via Stacey Knight-Davis) If you will be at the ILA/HSLI/Library State of Mind conference this week, please consider volunteering to represent HSLI at the GMR booth. Any time you can spend in the booth is appreciated. Exhibit times are: Thursday, October 22, 2015 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday, October 23, 2015 9:00 a.m. –…
ILA Sessions of Interest to HSLI Members
If you are attending the joint conference in Peoria, the following sessions might be of interest. Presentations Thursday, October 22 10:45-11:45 AM “52 Weeks of STEM @ Your Library”–gain ideas for STEM activities that you can easily incorporate into your library and that will draw users of all backgrounds and ages “Getting Started with Information…
UIUC Receives $1 Million Mellon Grant for Digital Publishing
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has received a $1 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The grant, which will be spread out over four years, will help fund research into ways of closing the “digital divide” in higher education and ensuring that scholarly works are distributed as broadly as possible. The research…
Registration Still Open for Annual LITA Forum
Registration is still open for this year’s Library Information and Technology Association Forum, which will be held in Minneapolis, from Thursday, November 12, to Sunday, November 15. The deadline to register is Sunday, November 8. (Early-bird registration has already passed.) The cost is $390 for LITA and LLAMA members, $475 for ALA members who do…
Call for Nominations–ACRL Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President-Elect) Do you know the next ACRL Academic/Research Librarian of the Year winner? ACRL is now accepting nominations for the ACRL Academic/Research Librarian of the Year. This prestigious award recognizes an outstanding member of the library profession who has made a significant national or international contribution to academic or research librarianship…
2015 Report on Digital Use Worldwide
The company comScore has released the 2015 edition of the Global Digital Future in Focus Report. The report examines trends across the entire globe, while also analyzing data at the regional level and putting it into a broader context. The major topics covered in the report include the characteristics and behaviors of various digital users, including…
GMR to Sponsor Additional MLA Webinars
(via Rhona Kelley, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine) How to Become a GMR Sponsored Webinar Site http://nnlm.gov/gmr/funding/mla-webinar The GMR will sponsor the registration costs for up to *two (2) individual webinar events per state* in the region for the 2015 MLA Webinar Series. As only a limited number of webinars can be sponsored; please work…