(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) The IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) World Congress will be in the U.S. this year, and you have the opportunity to participate in one of the IFLA pre-conferences in Chicago. Registration is now open for “Information and Artifactual Literacies: Engaging Minds in Libraries and Museums”, the IFLA…
Author: Eric Edwards
March 8 CARLI Webinar on ProQuest Usage Statistics
Note: The recording of the webinar will be posted here when it becomes available. (via Mary Burkee, CARLI-burkee@illinois.edu) This message may be of interest to people whose responsibilities include gathering usage statistics for electronic resources. Please feel free to share this information with your library colleagues. The Commercial Products Committee will be hosting a series of…
New ACRL-Choice Webinar Offerings for Spring, 2016
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) ACRL-Choice webinars connect academic and research librarians with content and service providers, publishers, authors, and other experts. Since the launch of the program in 2013, thousands of participants have attended these free interactive webinars, with topics ranging from using social media to build library communities and the latest reference databases to…
Opening for Data Services & Government Information Services Librarian at DePaul University
(via Terry Taylor, Associate University Librarian for Teaching, Learning, and Research Services at DePaul University-TTAYLOR@depaul.edu) The DePaul University Library is recruiting for a Data Services & Government Information Services Librarian. The successful candidate will join a library that has recently become one of the first FDLP digital depositories, as well as one that has made a…
Still Time to Register for CARLI Preconference at IACRL
(via Kristine Hammerstrand, CARLI) There’s still time to register for the CARLI preconference sessions at this year’s IACRL Conference. The deadline is Friday, March 11. CARLI, the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois, is presenting a free preconference in conjunction with the IACRL Conference. Curriculum Mapping: A CARLI-Sponsored Preconference, will be held Thursday, March…
Registration Open for Two Additional CARLI Resource-Sharing Open Houses
(via Lorna Engels, CARLI) Please share with appropriate staff who may be interested. Registrations are now open for the remaining two Resource Sharing Committee open houses. Illinois Wesleyan and Illinois State Universities on Friday, April 8, 2016–register here Illinois Institute of Technology and Illinois College of Optometry on Thursday, April 21, 2016–register here Also, don’t…
ACRL Presidential Candidates Online Forum
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) The 2016 candidates for ACRL vice-president/ president-elect will participate in an open online forum at 11 a.m. CDT on Monday, March 7. Come hear Mark Emmons and Cheryl Middleton discuss their platforms and vision for ACRL. Emmons is associate dean of public services at the University of New Mexico, and…
Seeking ILA 2016 Conference Proposals
(via Jennifer Paliatka, Elmhurst College-jenniferp@elmhurst.edu) The 2016 ILA Annual Conference theme, “Discovery Advocacy Leadership“, focuses on how libraries and library staff serve as community leaders to support life-long learning and engagement within Illinois communities. Actively share ideas by submitting a conference proposal and joining the conversation! The ILA Annual Conference Program Committee is seeking programs addressing…
Opening for Clinical Informationist at Galter Health Sciences Library (Northwestern University)
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library) Clinical Informationist (Job ID No. 27668), Galter Health Sciences Library–Northwestern Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine Northwestern University Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute Northwestern University, Chicago This position is a non-tenure eligible appointment at the rank of Librarian Faculty. POSITION DESCRIPTION: Galter Health Sciences Library at Northwestern University’s Feinberg…
Opening for Public Services Librarian at Monmouth College
(via Richard J. Sayre, Library Director at Monmouth College-rsayre@monmouthcollege.edu) Hewes Library is seeking an energetic and creative person to coordinate our library’s instruction program, e-resources and reference services. Responsibilities include: INFORMATION LITERACY AND INSTRUCTION: act as Coordinator of the Hewes Library Information Literacy program, perform outreach to faculty members, develop lesson plans and program structure,…