(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) We are seeking nominees for the Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award. This award recognizes outstanding achievements (including risk-taking) by academic librarians that have contributed significantly to improvements in the areas of library automation, library management, and/or library development and research. This award honors the life and accomplishments of Hugh C….
Author: Eric Edwards
Call for Poster Sessions at IFLA 2016 in Columbus, OH
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) Call for Poster Session Applications: IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2016, in Columbus, OH, USA Are you involved in an interesting project or in an area of work that you would like to discuss with or show to other congress attendees? Why not present your work in the IFLA…
Illinois Librarians Presenting at Brick and Click
Three Illinois librarians will be giving a joint presentation at this year’s Brick and Click conference, which will be held in Maryville, Missouri, on Friday, November 6. The presenters are Yi Han, International Student Library Services Liaison at the Illinois Institute of Technology; Pattie Piotrowski, Assistant Dean for Public Services at the Illinois Institute of Technology; and John…
UIC Library of the Health Sciences’ Howard Featured in GMR Blog
Carmen Howard, Regional Health Sciences Librarian and Visiting Assistant Professor at the UIC Library of the Health Sciences – Peoria, was featured in a National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region blog post earlier this month. In the post, she discusses the steps that UIC has taken to implement the NeXT (Nursing…
OCLC Presentation on Expanding Resource-Sharing
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) An event for all Illinois libraries: Expanding Resource Sharing for Illinois Libraries with OCLC Resources On Monday, November 9th, from 2:00p.m. to 3:30pm, OCLC staff will present OCLC Resource Sharing for Illinois Libraries at the RAILS Burr Ridge Service Center and via live streaming. This presentation will update library staff on OCLC’s…
Former HSLI President, Legislative Committee Chair Michael Wold Passes Away
(via Stacey Knight-Davis) Michael Wold passed away last Friday, 10/23/2015. Michael most recently served as the HSLI Legislative Committee Co-Chair. Michael was HSLI President for the 1989-1990 term. He will be remembered for his cheerfulness and willingness to help. The obituary below notes that Michael was married on October 4, 2015 to Charles Avery. BURLINGTON,…
Nominations Sought for ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Award
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) Do you know the next winner of the ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Award? It could be your library! The ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Award recognizes academic librarians and staff who work together as a team to develop academic libraries that are outstanding in furthering the educational missions of…
Digital Inclusion and Health Literacy
The Information Policy & Access Center has released its Digital Inclusion Survey, which was compiled last year. The survey acknowledges the crucial role that public libraries play in providing access to digital resources, particularly to members of the community who would otherwise be cut off from the online environment. The study was intended not just to…
Applicants Sought for $1,000 NMRT Shirley Olofson Memorial Award
(via Lindsay Harmon, incoming IACRL Vice-President/President-Elect) The NMRT (ALA New Members Round Table) Shirley Olofson Memorial Award Committee is seeking applicants for a $1,000 award, intended to defray the costs of attending the ALA Annual Conference. Shirley Olofson was a well-respected NMRT President who died during her term of office. After her death, the NMRT…
Call for Book Proposals: Purdue Information Literacy Handbooks
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President-Elect) Please consider submitting a proposal for a Purdue Information Literacy Handbook! These books promote evidence-based practice in teaching information literacy competencies through the lens of the different academic disciplines. We are looking for proposals that meet one or more of the following criteria. explore the integration of information literacy in…