(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President-Elect) 2016 ALA Midwinter Meeting attendees have the chance to inspire and entertain colleagues in the popular five-minute “Ignite” sessions, always standing-room-only and high energy events. Session proposals are accepted now through the end of the day on Friday, Oct. 9, 2015. Find out more and submit proposals now<http://2016.alamidwinter.org/schedule-meeting>. Each five-minute Ignite…
Author: Eric Edwards
Twiss-Brooks Chosen as Mentor for Leadership Fellows Program
Andrea Twiss-Brooks (MS, MSLS), who is Co-Director of the Science Libraries Division and the Head of Collection Services at the University of Chicago’s John Crerar Library, has been chosen as a mentor for the 2016 class of NLM/AAHSL Leadership Fellows. Twiss-Brooks is one of 10 participants in this year’s program (five fellows and five mentors),…
Susan Singleton Retiring as CARLI Executive Director
(via Susan Singleton) At the meeting of the CARLI Board of Directors this morning (Friday, September 25), I announced to my decision to retire as Executive Director of CARLI in July 2016. This was a difficult decision for me, reached after much consideration. The July 2016 timeline should allow for ample time to conduct a…
Registration Still Open for Symposium on Health Care Reform
Update (September 29, 2015): Please note that the symposium below, which took place in March, is NOT being repeated on Wednesday, September 30. Rather, tomorrow is the last day that one may view the webinar and still receive CE credit. After that date, the recording of the webinar will be available, but one will not earn…
Proposal for Panel Session at IACRL 2016
(via Josh Sopiarz, Governors State University) I would like to propose a panel on the academic library and student veterans in response to the call that went out for IACRL 2016: Raise Your Voice: Librarians in the Lead. If you or anyone at your institution’s library has worked–or is working–with student veterans I would love…
Preconference at Joint Illinois Library Conference
(via Dr. Dane Ward, Dean of Milner Library at Illinois State University) RAILS is a co-sponsor of the “Better Together: Libraries in the New Economy,” preconference at the “Library State of Mind<http://railslibraries.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2c51285b8d63e23716bce030f&id=89994d3588&e=b2cda01cb5>” conference in Peoria (October 21-24). All staff working in all types of libraries (academic, public, school, and special) are welcome to join this…
Deadline for Reserving Conference Hotel Room is September 30
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President-Elect) The deadline to book your hotel room for A Library State of Mind is Wednesday, September 30. Conference room rates will not be honored after September 30. The Pere Marquette Hotel and Courtyard by Marriott room blocks are full, but space is still available at the Embassy Suites East Peoria….
Seeking Volunteers for ALA Committees
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President-Elect) Julie Todaro, American Library Association (ALA) president-elect, encourages members to volunteer to serve on ALA and Council committees for the 2016-2017 term (terms start on July 1, 2016). Committee appointments will be finalized at the 2016 ALA Midwinter Meeting, with notifications sent out in early spring, 2016. Todaro chairs both…
Call for Proposals–IACRL 2016 Conference
(via Steve Brantley, IACRL conference planning committee) The Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries<http://www.iacrl.net/> Conference Committee is seeking program submissions for the 2016 IACRL Conference: Raise Your Voice: Librarians in the Lead. The conference takes place on March 18, 2016 at the Marriott Chicago O’Hare<http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/chiap-chicago-marriott-ohare/>. We are currently accepting proposals for Presentations, Panels, and…
Call for Nominations, 2016 ALA New Member Round Table Elections
(via Lindsay Harmon, incoming IACRL Vice-President) The ALA New Members Round Table (NMRT) offers training, opportunities, and a wide variety of programs on the national, state and local levels to assist, encourage, and educate those new to the association and the profession. Now is the opportunity for you or a librarian you know to take…