(via Kelly Getz, Eastern Michigan University)
We are moving the deadline for the call for chapters in the ACRL Data Literacy Cookbook to Sunday, October 18, 2020 (because pandemic time is wibbly wobbly, timey wimey). You are welcome to submit a proposal for any of the topics listed below; however, we encourage you to consider those listed in bold, as they are areas that could use more submissions.
We are seeking proposals from academic librarians for chapters describing practiced lesson plans, curriculum map development, activities, and events designed to promote and educate data literacy through library instruction and outreach. We are seeking examples that have been tried and tested. Examples can range from simple and quick door-opener activities, to lessons, courses, and curriculum maps. Audiences of these lessons are not limited to academia, they may also include community-based collaborations and outreach events. Examples of potential topics include the following.
- data visualization and infographics (creation and interpretation)
- finding and using secondary data
- data management, formatting, archiving, and preservation
- interpreting statistics, surveys, polls
- data and statistics in the news and media
- data literacy outreach and engagement
- data literacy among the disciplines
- data carpentry
- research data services
- personal archiving, naming conventions, and data citation
- research data services
- geospatial data literacy*
- critical data literacy* *(were not listed on the original call)
Submissions should be about 500 words and include: Title, Audience description, Learning objectives (ties to ACRL Framework for Information Literacy), Length of activity/activities in minutes (if applicable), General description of the activity, lesson, event, or curriculum map, and Assessment.
Please submit proposals on this Google form by Sunday, October 18, 2020. Contributors will be notified of their proposal’s status (accepted or rejected) by December 30, 2020. The deadline to submit the first draft of accepted chapters for revision is April 1, 2021.
Please contact Meryl Brodsky (meryl.brodsky@austin.utexas.edu) and Kelly Getz (kgrossm3@emich.edu) with questions.