(via ACRL)
Nominations are now open for the ACRL Instruction Section’s Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award. This award recognizes an individual librarian who has built a record of contributions over time that have advanced the pursuit of teaching and learning in a college or research library environment. The award honors Miriam Dudley, whose pioneering efforts led to the formation of the ACRL Instruction Section (formerly ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Section).
A plaque and a $1000.00 cash award, sponsored by the Instruction Section, are presented during the Instruction Section program at the ALA Annual Conference.
Nominees should have achieved a substantial record of accomplishment in one or more of the following areas.
- exhibits extraordinary, consistent leadership of an academic instruction program in a library environment that has broad demonstrable impact on other programs, professionals, or institutions
- production of a body of research and publication that has a demonstrable impact on the concepts and methods of teaching and learning in the library profession
- sustained an outstanding participation in organizations, at the regional or national level, devoted to the promotion and enhancement of teaching and learning in a library environment
- consistent and effective mentorship and/or professional development of other library professionals in the pursuit and support of teaching and learning in the library environment
The deadline to submit a nomination is Friday, December 4. Electronic submissions through the online nomination form are required.
Nominations must include a letter of support detailing the nominee’s qualifications for the award. Additional letters of support are encouraged, up to three will be considered. Note: Nominees will be judged on an individual basis. This award cannot be given to a pair or group of individuals.
Questions or requests for assistance in compiling a nomination should be directed to Susanna Eng-Ziskin, California State University-Northridge, at susanna.eng@csun.edu. For additional information, including a list of past winners, please go here.