HSLI Members,
The office of Treasurer is open for election in August 2022. HSLI members are encouraged to consider running for office or nominating a colleague who is interested in being nominated. Self-nominations are welcome! This is a great opportunity for professional service and leadership development, and there are typically only two HSLI Board meetings per year.
The Treasurer will serve a two-year term that begins after the 2022 Annual Business Meeting and ends at the close of the Annual Business Meeting in 2024.
Currently, Laura Wimmer (laura.wimmer@amitahealth.org) is serving as Interim Treasurer. If interested, I recommend contacting Laura for her insight and details of the position.
Brief overview of responsibilities of the HSLI Treasurer:
- Work annually with Accounting Firm
- Update accounting spreadsheet
- Maintain, update records, and file reports, including Treasurer reports, 1099 tax returns, annual report to state, a financial report to the membership at the annual meeting
- Collect assessments, maintain the funds of the organization, and pay bills
Please see the bylaws for full descriptions of each position.
I’m asking for nominees and/or assistance identifying interested people. If interested, please include a short description of your professional experience and interests. Candidates must be current members of HSLI. Please submit your nominations or self-nominations by Friday, August 5, 2022. The election is tentatively scheduled for mid-August.
Thank you,
Elizabeth “Betsy” Sterner, esterner@govst.edu
HSLI Nominating & Elections Committee