(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University, on behalf of CARLI)
Attention reference and instruction librarian staff! The CARLI Counts Technical Services team is investigating how you perceive the value of enhanced cataloging upon the process of identifying resources for a student and they need your input. Please take about 10 minutes of your time to fill out their survey, “Perceived Value of Cataloging in Identifying Resources for Students”. This team of librarians is part of the second cohort of CARLI Counts, a three-year project funded by an IMLS grant that prepares academic librarians to make effective use of research findings on the impact of student success.
You are being invited to participate in a survey research study. Your participation is voluntary which means you can choose whether you want to participate. You may withdraw at any time without penalty.
Project Title: Perceived Value of Cataloging in Identifying Resources for Students
Principal Investigator: Tammie Busch – Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Co-Investigators: Mary Konkel – College of Dupage, Susan Howell – Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Mingyan Li – University of Illinois at Chicago, Ross Taft – Illinois State Library, Cathy Mayer – Lake Forest College, Dennis Krieb – Lewis & Clark Community College
The purpose of this survey is to assist a team of technical services librarians in investigating how reference and instruction librarians and staff perceive the value of enhanced cataloging upon the process of identifying resources for a student. This team of librarians is part of the second cohort of CARLI Counts, a three-year project funded by an IMLS grant that prepares academic librarians to make effective use of research findings on the impact of student success. This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
Potential Risks: It is expected that participation in this study will provide you with no more than minimal risk or discomfort which means that you should not experience it as any more troubling than your normal daily life. While there are no direct benefits to participating, your response will help us to better understand the research topic.
Potential Benefits: The survey results will help librarians and staff with cataloging responsibilities better understand what bibliographic information is most helpful to reference and instruction librarians and staff in locating resources for students. The study results will also help librarians and staff with cataloging duties learn what bibliographic information they should prioritize when cataloging resources.
Confidentiality: CARLI Counts will not be collecting any personal information for the study. All responses to this survey are anonymous and confidential. Your name or identity will not be linked in any way to the research data. If you have any questions about your rights or any other concerns, you may contact the SIUE Institutional Review Board, at (618) 650-3010 or irbtraining@siue.edu.
Survey: Please click here.