(via Mary Konkel, College of DuPage)
On behalf of OCLC’s Global Council of library leaders I’d like to invite you to participate in the Open Content Survey.
OCLC’s Global Council of library leaders wants to hear from you regarding your library’s use and support of open content/open access resources. The goal of the survey is to engage a global audience of librarians in a joint exercise to map and align their open content activities and cultivate a shared understanding of how libraries are invested in and working together to leverage open content from around the globe.
All types of libraries are encouraged to complete the survey. We wish to gather as many different perspectives as possible, bringing more voices to the table and sharing a baseline understanding of libraries’ commitment to exploit the potential of open content. Open content is relevant to all libraries.
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey and share it with your colleagues
Take the survey: oc.lc/oacouncils
The survey will be open until January 15, 2019, and the results will be shared during the Global Council Meeting in March 2019.
Thank you in advance for your participation.