(via Mary Wahl, Pasadena City College)
Help inform the current landscape of library liaison services at community colleges! If you are a librarian at a community college in the US, you are invited to participate in a brief survey about liaison services. The survey is expected to take 5-10 minutes to complete.
About the study: Though the topic of library liaison programs is well established in the literature, not all types of academic institutions are discussed, and community colleges are notably absent. Anecdotal evidence shows that many community college librarians provide a range of liaison services; This study aims to understand the scope of these efforts.
This is where you come in! Please consider completing the survey and sharing your experiences regarding liaison efforts at your college. Your participation in this survey is voluntary, and no sensitive information will be gathered. The survey has been reviewed by the Office of Institutional Research at Pasadena City College. If you have questions regarding your rights as a participant, you may contact the Office of Institutional Research at (626) 585-7759. For questions regarding the study, please contact me (contact information provided below).
You may begin the survey by going to this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GRKZTYT
The survey is open through April 30, 2019.
Thank you for your consideration!
Mary Wahl