(via Britt Fagerheim, Utah State University)
The purpose of this research is to understand the extent of teaching anxiety among academic librarians and the impact of this anxiety and potential methods to help address or mitigate teaching anxiety. If you currently work in an academic library and have at least some component of teaching in your role, however small, we invite you to take the survey.
Survey Link: Library Teaching Anxiety
This research study is being conducted by Kacy Lundstrom, Head of Learning & Engagement, and Britt Fagerheim, Reference & Instruction Librarian at Utah State University (IRB Exempt – #9931). Your participation will involve completing an online survey, which is expected to take approximately 15 minutes. Your participation is entirely voluntary.
Please contact Kacy Lundstrom (435-797-2285, kacy.lundstrom@usu.edu) if you have questions about the research study or the recruitment process.
Library Teaching Anxiety Informed Consent
You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by Kacy Lundstrom, Head of Learning & Engagement, and Britt Fagerheim, Reference & Instruction Librarian at Utah State University. The purpose of this research is to understand the extent of teaching anxiety among academic librarians and the impact of this anxiety and potential methods to help address or mitigate teaching anxiety. Your participation is entirely voluntary.
This form includes detailed information on the research to help you decide whether to participate. Please read it carefully and ask any questions you have before you agree to participate.
Your participation will involve completing an optional 39-question online survey, expected to take approximately 15 minutes. We anticipate that 300-500 people will participate in the survey. You also have the option to provide contact information if you are interested in participating in a follow-up phone interview, designed to help determine supports for teaching librarians with anxiety. Providing contact information and participating in the phone interview are entirely optional and is approved by a separate IRB protocol.
This is a minimal risk research study. That means that the risks of participating are no more likely or serious than those you encounter in everyday activities, although questions in this survey include issues of anxiety, including diagnosis, feelings of anxiety, and anxiety in the context of teaching. The foreseeable risks or discomforts are that participants might be upset recalling anxiety they have experienced. You are free to exit the survey at any time if you become uncomfortable with the questions.
Although you will not directly benefit from this study, it has been designed to learn more about anxiety among librarians who engage in instruction.
The survey is confidential and no identifying information will be collected unless participants choose to provide contact information for an optional follow-up phone interview. Researchers will separate the names from the corresponding responses on the survey. Names will be kept confidential to the researchers and will be stored in Box (online filing system).
Voluntary Participation & Withdrawal
Your participation in this research is completely voluntary. If you agree to participate now and change your mind later, you may withdraw at any time by not submitting the survey.
There is no compensation for your participation in the survey.
IRB Review
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the protection of human research participants at Utah State University has reviewed and approved this study. If you have questions about the research study itself, please contact the Principal Investigator at (435) 797-2285 or kacy.lundstrom@usu.edu. If you have questions about your rights or would simply like to speak with someone other than the research team about questions or concerns, please contact the IRB Director at (435) 797-0567 or irb@usu.edu.