(via Michelle Lenox, Pacific University)
We invite you to participate in a survey of the perceptions of and experiences with technology in modern libraries in the United States. You have been invited to complete this survey because you work in libraries or are a library student. The survey will take about 10-15 minutes to complete and consists of 21 questions.
We ask that you only take the survey if you meet the following criteria.
- are a library professional, work in or for a library, or are a student in a library degree program
- are over 18 years of age
- are a resident of the United States of America
If even one item of these criteria does not apply to you, we ask that you not take the survey.
How will your responses be kept private?
We are using an anonymous survey built with Qualtrics. We are not collecting personally identifiable information and cannot link responses to you. However, we cannot guarantee the privacy of data transmitted via the internet.
Informed Consent
Starting the survey indicates that you understand the nature of your participation and that you freely and voluntarily grant your consent. You are free to skip any questions, and you may withdraw at any time before you submit the survey. If you skip questions, we will use the responses you did provide. This project has received IRB approval.
If you wish to participate, please click this link. The survey will close on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, after 30 days.
If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Lenox (mlenox@pacificu.edu) or Lynda Irons (lrirons@pacificu.edu).