(via the Illinois Library Association)
Do you have a successful Library Card Sign-up Month activity, idea, or program that attracts new patrons and increases library card sign-ups at your library? If so, share it with your Illinois library colleagues!
We are hosting a town hall to help libraries prepare for Library Card Sign-up Month and we are seeking 2-4 volunteers to share their Library Card Sign-up Month activity, idea, or program. Volunteers will have 10 minutes to share their stories before taking questions from the audience. Following the presentations, there will be breakout rooms for additional discussion on activities, ideas, and programs.
The town hall will be on Monday, August 16, from 12:00 to 1:30 PM, and it will not be recorded. To register, please go here.
If you would like to share your activity, idea, or program, please contact Tamara Jenkins at tjenkins@ila.org by Monday, August 9.