(via the Medical Library Association)
Do you have expertise and skills to share with MLA members and the wider health information professional community? The MLA Education Committees are now accepting proposals for engaging and practical webinars and instructor-led courses for 2021 and beyond.
The deadline for proposals is Sunday, November 1. Webinars are 90 minutes and provide 1.5 MLA continuing education (CE) credits.
Instructor-led courses are a new format for MLA. The blended format of this course type allows flexibility in the number and length of sessions and amount of MLA CE, but all courses should include the following components.
- at least two live sessions, with multiple opportunities for participant engagement
- tasks for participants before and after each session
- discussions in Slack
- instructor feedback on at least one task
Please submit a proposal here. (If one does not have an MLA account, one will need to create one.) Select the “MLA Webinar Proposal” or “Instructor-Led Course Proposal” track. There is no fee for submitting a proposal.
Visit here to view MLA’s current webinar and instructor-led offerings. Please do not hesitate to contact Debra Cavanaugh, at cavanaugh@mail.mlahq.org, or Barry Grant, at grant@mail.mlahq.org, with any questions relating to MLA Continuing Education sessions.