(via Lee Adams–California State University, East Bay)
I would like to extend a call for reviewers for the next “Internet Resources” column of Public Services Quarterly. This issue’s IR column will focus on the theme of “Wellness Resources/Tools to Destress”. The websites featured in the column should be free resources relevant for academic, public services librarians. Examples might include websites that provide guided meditations or affirmations, breathing exercises, or methods for relaxation. Sites that provide guidance on analyzing the source of stress or strategies to manage and reduce the stress are also appropriate. Your review will need to provide an overview of the resource itself in addition to explaining the relevance for academic, public services librarians.
If you are interested in contributing, please send me an e-mail (lee.adams@csueastbay.edu) with your ideas for resources (name of site and URL) and/or interest in writing a review (I can offer suggestions) by Monday, February 6. Due to the limited space in the column, preference will be given to reviewers on a first to respond basis. If selected, your review will be due by Friday, February 24. Please let me know if you have any questions – and feel free to share with interested colleagues. I look forward to hearing from you!