(via Ginny Pannabecker, Virginia Tech University)
Are you a member of ACRL and STS? Would you like to be more involved in STS, or would if you “had the time?” Are you passionate about events and movements like the March for Science, and actions that promote and communicate the social value of scientific research and education? If so, this STS Liaison position as ACRL Contact for the March for Science could be a great opportunity for you!
STS maintains a liaison program to encourage STS members to be active in, and report on the meetings and activities of science and technology organizations. Liaisons have an opportunity to present to the community about what they’ve learned, as they help develop connections between librarians and other professions. The STS Liaisons Committee has created an annual online forum in late spring which gives liaisons the chance to present on the organizations they work with to the STS community.
The following special liaison position is currently available:
- ACRL contact for the March for Science group (https://www.marchforscience.com/)
STS-appointed liaison for the position of ACRL contact for the March for Science:
- Are expected to serve at least a two-year term (if possible)
- Participate in some of the larger group’s weekly calls and
- Provide regular reports back to the ACRL Board, as well as participation in March for Science ongoing activities as possible.
- Report back to the STS community
WANT TO BECOME THE MARCH FOR SCIENCE GROUP LIAISON FOR ACRL / STS? Please email a short statement (200 words or less) to the Co-Chairs of the Committee explaining why you are interested in this liaison position, and share your related experience or involvement by Friday, October 6th.
Contact: Ginny Pannabecker (vpannabe@vt.edu)
Michelle Leonard (mleonard@uflib.ufl.edu)