(via the Online Learning Consortium) Now is the time to share your innovative ideas with your global network of colleagues, your community, and those who inspire and seek inspiration. The Online Learning Consortium and MERLOT are accepting presentation proposals for the OLC Innovate 2022 conference. The virtual component will take place from Monday, March 28,…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Call for Nominations: HSLI President-Elect and Secretary
(via Betsy Sterner, Nominations and Elections Committee Chair) The offices of President-Elect and Secretary are open for election in the fall of 2021. HSLI members are encouraged to consider running for office or nominating a colleague who is interested in being nominated. Self-nominations are welcome! This is a great opportunity for professional service and leadership…
Call for Lightning-Talk Proposals: The Evolving Health Information Landscape Symposium (Online Thurs., Dec. 2)–Deadline Fri., Aug. 27
(via Sarah Wade, Campbell University) What would you say about health information if you had seven minutes with your medical information colleagues across the Middle East region? What pressing issues should we consider? What projects will make a difference? What tools should we be using? The Distributed eLibrary team at Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar are delighted…
Call for Proposals–Bridging the Spectrum: The 14th Annual Symposium on Scholarship and Practice (Online Fri., Feb. 18, 2022); Deadline Wed., Sept. 22
(via Dr. Ingrid Hsieh-Yee, Catholic University of America) The Department of Library and Information Science at Catholic University of America invites researchers, practitioners and students to submit proposals for the 2022 Bridging the Spectrum Symposium, a forum for sharing research findings, best practices, and works in progress in library and information science. The 14th Symposium…
Call for Proposals: MLA South Central Chapter Annual Meeting (Online Oct. 12-14, Tues.-Thurs.)–Deadline Tues., Aug. 31
(via David Duggar, SCC/MLA President-Elect) The Program Committee invites poster, paper, lightning talk, and round table abstract proposal submissions on any health sciences librarianship topic for the 2021 South Central Chapter Annual Meeting. The meeting will be held online October 12-14 (Tuesday-Thursday). See the conference webpage for complete details. Your presentations will make the annual meeting…
Call for Applicants: Free E-Learning Course “Privacy and Library Learning Analytics.” (Oct. 3 – Nov. 12)–Deadline Wed., Sept. 8
(via Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) We are pleased to announce this call for expressions of interest for participation in a free e-learning course on “Privacy and Library Learning Analytics”. The course will take place from Sunday, October 3, to Friday, November 12. There are 50 slots available, and there is no…
Call for Poster Session Submissions: ILA Virtual Annual Conference (Oct. 12-14)–Deadline Tues., Aug. 31
(via the Illinois Library Association) The Illinois Library Association (ILA) Conference Program Committee invites applications for poster sessions at the 2021 ILA Virtual Annual Conference, taking place October 12-14 (Tuesday-Thursday). Poster sessions will be featured on the ILA website. The online poster session will become available at 9:00 AM on October 12 and posters will…
Reminder: Proposals for Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association (Online Nov. 4-6) Due Mon., Aug. 9
(via Dana Thompson, Murray State University) We invite you to submit a proposal for the 53rd Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association, an online event hosted by the University of Toledo and the Toledo Museum of Art. The conference theme is “Seeing Across Disciplines: Visual Literacy and Education”. The conference will bring together…
Call for Presenters: ILA’s Library Card Sign-Up Month Town Hall (Online Mon., Aug. 16, 12:00-1:30 PM)–Deadline Mon., Aug. 9
(via the Illinois Library Association) Do you have a successful Library Card Sign-up Month activity, idea, or program that attracts new patrons and increases library card sign-ups at your library? If so, share it with your Illinois library colleagues! We are hosting a town hall to help libraries prepare for Library Card Sign-up Month and…
Reminder: Seeking Responses to Survey on Information Literacy Instruction and Writing Curriculum
(via Danielle Hinrichs, St. Catherine University) You are invited to participate in a research study about connections between information literacy instruction and writing curriculum at colleges and universities in the United States. Participants will answer 12 questions about information literacy and writing instruction at their institutions. The survey will take approximately 20-40 minutes to complete…