(via the Illinois Library Association) The Illinois Library Association (ILA) Conference Program Committee invites applications for poster sessions at the 2017 ILA Annual Conference at the Tinley Park Convention Center. Poster sessions will be held in the exhibit hall on Wednesday, October 11, and Thursday, October 12. Submissions are invited from all types of libraries and on…
Category: Conferences and Meetings – Non-HSLI
NISO Virtual Conference (Research Information Systems) on August 16
(via the National Information Standards Organization) Register now for the upcoming NISO Virtual Conference. The event, themed “Research Information Networks: The Connections Enabling Collaboration”, will take place on Wednesday, August 16, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM CST. The Conference sessions and speakers are below. “Making Sense of the Confusing World of Research Information Management”–Rebecca…
Library Marketing and Communications Conference Early-Bird Registration Extended to Aug. 7
(via Mark Aaron Polger, College of Staten Island) The Library Marketing and Communications Conference can finally announce some big things! The schedule of sessions is ready, our newly redesigned web site is ready (and working again!), and early-bird pricing is ending soon. As our Conference grows and we continue working to become an organization that…
Call for Nominations: Janet Doe Lectureship at MLA Annual
(via Elizabeth Hinton, University of Mississippi Medical Center) The Janet Doe Lectureship is a unique award, offering both significant recognition and the opportunity to present a major plenary session lecture at the annual meeting of the Medical Library Association. According to the official description, “The Janet Doe Lecturer is an individual chosen annually by the…
Reminder: Final Deadline for Submissions to 2017 Midwest Chapter MLA & MHSLA Joint Annual Conference is Tuesday, Aug. 1
(via Tyler Nix, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor) The Program Committee of the 2017 Midwest Chapter MLA & MHSLA Joint Annual Conference invites paper and poster abstract submissions on any topic of interest to the health sciences library community. The conference will be held October 13-16 in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Paper sessions will be held Sunday, October…
Registration Open for Midwest Chapter/MLA and the Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Association (MHSLA)–October 13-16
(via Miranda Shake, Lakeview College of Nursing) It’s not too early to register for the 2017 Joint Conference of the Midwest Chapter/MLA and the Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Association (MHSLA), October 13-16! Early-bird registration doesn’t end until September 23rd, but why wait? REGISTER NOW!!! Program-At-A-Glance is now available online with conference highlights including: 6 CE Opportunities! Perspectives…
Reminder: Registration for Indiana University Information Literacy Colloquium Closes Friday, July 28
(via Meg Meiman, Indiana University Bloomington) There are still a few places left for the 2017 Indiana University Libraries Information Literacy Colloquium, so do please register if you plan to attend! The Colloquium will take place on Thursday, August 3, at Indiana University Southeast (New Albany, Indiana), and will run from 8:30 am – 4:00…
Save the Date: Re-think It 2018 in Austin, TX (January 8-10
(via Catherine Hamer, University of Texas at Austin) Save the date! Re-think it: Libraries for a New Age will take place January 8-10, 2018, in Austin, Texas. Registration is currently open. To receive updates and announcements, subscribe here. Re-think it 2018 is presented by the University of Texas Libraries, Austin Community College Library Services, and the Austin Public Library….
Call for Proposals: FACRL Annual Conference (“Fake News and Digital Literacy: The Academic Library’s Role in Shaping Digital Citizenship”)
(via Kim Copenhaver, President, Florida Chapter of ACRL) The Florida Chapter of ACRL (FACRL) is seeking proposals for presentations and poster sessions for the 2017 FACRL Annual Conference to explore digital literacy in higher education and the library’s responsibility to lead the charge toward the creation of learners with the requisite skills to engage critically and ethically with information…
ALADN Seeking Host City for 2019 Conference
(via Lindsay Harmon, IACRL President) Is your institution interested in making a proposal to host a future ALADN (Academic Library Advancement and Development Network) Conference? This is a great opportunity to showcase your city and host a valuable conference on library development. ALADN has created a more formal structure to help potential hosting institutions understand…