(via the Illinois Library Association) So much has changed since the 2020 Reaching Forward Conference was canceled in March. While we won’t be able to meet in-person in 2021, the Reaching Forward Forum strongly believes we need to be together, if that means meeting virtually, to fulfill the mission of Reaching Forward to provide professional…
Category: Conferences and Meetings – Non-HSLI
Call for Proposals: MLA 2021 Annual Meeting (First Deadline Wed., Oct. 21, 2020)
(via the Medical Library Association) The 2021 National Program Committee invites submissions for immersion sessions, papers, posters, and lightning talks. There will be two abstract submission rounds for MLA ’21. Round 1: contributed papers and immersion sessions (September 15-October 21) Round 2: posters and lightning talks (December 11-January 22) The submission site for contributed papers and…
Reminder: Early-Bird Registration for 2020 Academic Library Association of Ohio Conference (Online Oct. 28-30, Including Pre-Conference) Closes Mon., Sept. 28
(via the Academic Library Association of Ohio) Interested in attending the 2020 ALAO Conference? Early-bird registration ends Monday, September 28. The 2020 Academic Library Association of Ohio Annual Conference will take place online October 28-30 and consist of a selection of engaging workshops, live keynote sessions, pre-recorded presentations, and interactive poster sessions. As in years’…
Call for Speaker Proposals Extended: OLC Innovate + Velocity 2021 (March 9-20, in Denver and Online) — Deadline Wed., Oct. 7
(via the Online Learning Consortium) We know planning for fall classes is taking more time than usual this year. That’s why we’re extending the OLC Innovate + Velocity 2021 speaking proposal deadline to Wednesday, October 7. Choose to present onsite in Denver (March 9-18), or as a virtual presenter (March 18-20) to a remote audience….
Save the Date: “Geoscience Librarianship 101” Online Workshop (Mon.-Tues., Oct. 26-27)
(via Shaun Hardy, Carnegie Institute for Science) The Geoscience Information Society will again offer its annual free workshop “Geoscience Librarianship 101” – virtually, this year – on Monday and Tuesday afternoons, October 26 and October 27. The sessions will begin at 2:00 PM CDT each day and run until 5:00-6:00 PM CDT. Topics will include:…
Registration Open for ACRL Florida Chapter’s 2020 Virtual Conference (Friday, October 16)
(via Alyssa Koclanes, FACRL President) We are excited to announce that registration for the ACRL Florida Chapter’s 2020 Virtual Conference is open. This year’s Conference will be FACRL’s first-ever virtual meeting and will be focused on Demonstrating the Value of Academic Libraries During the COVID-19 Pandemic. This year’s FACRL Virtual Conference will include the following events and activities. 12 live presentations four sessions with…
Call for Proposals: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Libraries: Progress and Promise? Amigos Online Event (Wed., Dec. 2) — Deadline Tues., Sept. 29
(via Jodie Borgerding, Amigos Library Services) Equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) initiatives and practices have been at the forefront of library services for several years. However, now we need to ask ourselves, are we not only talking the talk, but walking the walk when it comes to EDI. Are the EDI initiatives and plans we…
IACRL at the 2020 ILA Virtual Conference
(via the Illinois Library Association) IACRL is sponsoring IACRL @ ILA–a track of programming for academic librarians at the 2020 ILA Virtual Conference. IACRL @ ILA programming is open to all conference attendees and academic librarians are free to attend programs outside the IACRL @ ILA track. In lieu of its traditional luncheon and membership…
Registration Open for Charleston Conference Pre- and Post-Conference Workshops and Seminars (Online Between Oct. 6 and Nov. 17)
(via Courtney McAllister, Yale University) The Charleston Conference traditionally hosts preconference workshops and seminars on the days immediately preceding the main Conference. This year, since the conference has moved online, we’re hosting our pre- and post- conference workshops and seminars online as well. We’ve spread these sessions out during the month of October and November…
Registration Open for Free Virtual Symposium Silence in the LAMS: Digital Surrogacy in the Time of Pandemic (Mon., Oct. 12, 12:00-3:30 PM CDT) — Deadline Fri., Oct. 9
(via the Historical Medical Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia) Are you struggling to meet the virtual needs of your students, faculty and other users? Do you need to be inspired? Are you challenged by the perceived “silences” in your library, archives or museum? The Historical Medical Library of the College of Physicians…