(via Nicole Swanson, CARLI) Registration is now open for the CARLI Professional Development Alliance webinars taking place in January. Please see below for more information. “Libraries Within the Ecosystem of Digital Equity: A Panel on Practical Advice and the Bigger Picture” Thursday, January 20, 1:00-2:30 PM CDT Digital equity is not a new concept. Library workers…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
Registration Open for CARLI Professional Development Alliance Webinars in January (Part 1 of 2)
(via Nicole Swanson, CARLI) Registration is now open for the CARLI Professional Development Alliance webinars taking place in January. Please see below for more information. “Using Your Data to Make Decisions” (Collaborative Literacy Learning Series) Tuesday, January 11, 9:30-11:00 AM CDT Libraries have access to a considerable amount of data: from statistics about library use (circulation,…
Registration Open for Webinar on International ILL Toolkit (Thurs., Feb. 17, at 10:00 AM CDT)
(via OCLC) Brian Miller of The Ohio State University Libraries, Lapis Cohen of the University of Pennsylvania, and I will be presenting on the International ILL Toolkit during a webinar on Thursday, February 17, starting at 10:00 AM CDT. The session, co-sponsored by the OCLC Research Library Partnership and the ALA RUSA STARS International ILL Committee, is free and open to everyone…
Save the Date: Free Virtual ALA Core Symposium on Future of Library Binding (Wed., Jan. 26, 12:00-4:00 PM CDT)
(via Miriam Nelson, Ohio University) Please save the date for an ALA Core symposium on the future of library binding. This event will take place via Zoom on Wednesday, January 26, from 12:00 to 4:00 PM CDT. The symposium will feature updates from the LOC Preservation Directorate, perspectives on the state of the industry, and a discussion on current practice and the…
Reminder: Deadline to Apply for an MLA Student Scholarship is Thurs., Jan. 6
(via Sarah Wade, Campbell University) The Medical Library Association invites MSLIS students to apply for one of its student scholarships. The deadline is Thursday, January 6. Please see below for more details. The Medical Library Association wants to support your excellence in scholarship and potential for accomplishment in health sciences librarianship through its student scholarships. Each scholarship…
Call for Presenters: ALA Core Metadata Interest Group’s Virtual Meeting (Tues., March 8, 1:00-2:00 PM CDT)–Deadline Fri., Jan. 14
(via Dr. Joan Wang, Washington University in St. Louis) The ALA Core Metadata Interest Group seeks speakers to present at its meeting during the ALA Core Virtual Interest Group Week. The Virtual Interest Group Week will take place from March 7 to 11 (Monday-Friday). Accessible and inclusive metadata and cataloging principles can ensure that online content…
Registration Open for Online Workshop on Microaggressions and the Asian/Pacific Islander Community (Wed., Jan. 12, 1:00-2:00 PM CDT)
(via Nora Barnett–Network of the National Library of Medicine, Region 6) The Medical Library Association’s Public Health/Health Administration Caucus and Asian Diaspora Coalition of Medical Librarians invite you to an upcoming webinar/workshop on microaggressions and the API (Asian/Pacific Islander) community, led by Alanna Aiko Moore. The event will take place on Wednesday, January 12, from 1:00 to 2:00…
Registration Open for ILA Marketing Forum’s Virtual Roundtable Discussion (Fri., Jan. 21, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM)
(via the Illinois Library Association) Join the ILA Marketing Forum for its next virtual roundtable discussion on Friday, January 21, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Do you have a marketing or promotion idea or initiative about your library’s experiences with welcoming and attracting patrons? Share your knowledge with your Illinois library marketing colleagues. Register for this roundtable here, and bring your ideas, initiatives, and…
Registration Open for Free Self-Paced NNLM CE “Data Literacy for the Busy Librarian” (Mon., Feb. 14 – Mon., Feb. 28)
(via the Network of the National Library of Medicine) Registration is now open for the free NNLM CE “Data Literacy for the Busy Librarian”. This self-paced class runs from Monday, February 14, to Monday, February 28. The course is worth 4 MLA CE credits. The class looks at foundational data-management skills, with an emphasis on key topics relating…
Registration and Call for Proposals Open: Rescheduled Virtual IACRL Spark Event on DEI and OER (Now Fri., April 1, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM)–Proposals Deadline Fri., Feb. 25
(via the Illinois Library Association) The Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Conference & Continuing Education Committee is pleased to announce the rescheduled date for its Spark event! Join IACRL for Spark: Open Pathways – Exploring the Intersections of Diversity Equity and Inclusion and Open Educational Resources on Friday, April 1, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The…