(via Nicole Swanson, CARLI) The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) and its Open Educational Resources Committee have developed the “Illinois Course Materials Survey: Student Perspective” to help identify Illinois students’ needs regarding affordable course materials and interest in Open Educational Resources or other affordable course material options. Beginning on Wednesday, April…
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Call for Participation: Survey on Extent to Which Academic Reference and Instruction Librarians View Their Work with Student-Patrons as “Caring Labor”
(via Laureen Cantwell, PhD student at University of Buffalo) Dear academic reference and instruction librarians, My name is Laureen Cantwell-Jurkovic, and I am a PhD student in the Information Science program, within the Graduate School of Education, at the University at Buffalo. I am conducting a mixed methods study focused on understanding whether and by…
Call for Participation: Survey on Practices and Perceptions of Librarians/Information Specialists Working with Physician Assistant Programs
(via Michelle Nielsen Ott, Bradley University) You are invited to participate in the research project about librarians/information specialists who work with Physician Associate (Assistant) (PA) programs. The purpose of this research study is to explore the practices and perceptions of librarians/information specialists who are or will actively support PA programs. The findings of this study…
Call for Participation: Survey on How Archival Institutions Engage Their LGBTQ+ Materials
(via Kestrel Ward, University of Florida) My name is Kestrel Ward (University of Florida), and my research partner is Evangeline Giaconia (University of Florida). We are undertaking a study to understand how archival institutions engage their LGBTQ+ materials. To that end, we have developed a survey to collect data on how institutions around the US…
Call for Participation: Survey “‘Next Gen’: Leadership in the 21st Century”, Intended for Health Sciences and Medical Librarians and Information Providers
(via Maud Mundava, A.T. Still University of Health Sciences) Maud Mundava, A.T. Still University, and Catherine Soehner, University of Utah, invite you to participate in a research project, “‘Next Gen’: Leadership in the 21st Century”, to address these questions: (1) What would encourage or discourage someone to consider leadership as a path for their career?…
Call for Public Comment: National Institutes of Health’s Plan to Enhance Public Access to the Results of NIH-Supported Research–Deadline Mon., April 24
(via Dr. Robert (Jay) Malone, ACRL Executive Director, on behalf of Cliff Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information) The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) has just issued a public call for comment, closing Monday, April 24, 2023, on its draft Plan to Enhance Public Access to the Results of NIH-Supported Research. The Plan can be found…
Call for Participation: Survey on Adapting Library Environments to Meet the Needs of Autistic Library Employees
(via Karen Stoll Farrell, Indiana University Bloomington) Several studies have been published in the library literature on how university and college libraries can adapt their environments to make them more accommodating to autistic students, but what about autistic library employees? Do libraries consider the needs of autistic faculty and staff, particularly as it pertains to…
Call for Participation: Survey on Community College Libraries and Family-Friendly Library Spaces–Deadline Mon., Feb. 20
(via Jennifer Arnold, Director of Library Services at Central Piedmont Community College) The Central Piedmont Community College Library is gathering information on how community college libraries may be working to address the needs of student parents and caregivers through family-friendly library spaces. We invite you to participate in our survey of support spaces for student…
Registration Open for CARLI Online Brown Bag Event “ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey” (Fri., Feb. 10, 12:30-1:30 PM CDT)
(via Nicole Swanson, CARLI) Struggling with the ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey? Would you like to ask other CARLI members how they’re responding? Join other CARLI member library staff to discuss questions, snarls, and sticky spots in your ACRL survey response. The discussion will be hosted by Devin Savage, IIT dean and chair…
Call for Participation: Survey on How Academic Libraries Have Modified Their Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic–Deadline Wed., Feb. 8
(via Dr. José Aguiñaga, San Jose State University) I’m conducting a study on what level academic libraries have modified their services during the pandemic. If you are an academic librarian who has discussed, engaged, or created modified academic library services since March 2020, I would appreciate your anonymous participation in the study’s survey, which is mostly multiple-choice questions…