(via Joshua Zeller, Mount St. Joseph University) The ALA RUSA STARS Licensing & Legislation Committee is currently in the process of planning its free spring 2022 workshop, which will have the broad theme of “licensing 101,” and be free to all attendees. We would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to fill…
Category: Surveys
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Use for invitation for participation in surveys and reports of survey results.
Reminder: Survey on Collegiality and Its Impact on Academic Libraries Closes Fri., Jan. 14
(via Shin Freedman, Framingham State University) This is a friendly reminder that you are invited to a research survey on collegiality. Thank you for those who completed the survey. If you have not done so, the link is here. I am conducting a research study on collegiality and its impact on academic library workplaces. The survey will take…
Reminder: Survey About the Impact of COVID-19 on Technical-Services Units Closes Sat., Jan. 1
(via Elizabeth Szkirpan, University of Tulsa) This is the final call for responses to take the survey over the impact of COVID-19 on technical-services units and tasks. This survey is open to library employees working in the United States who are a member of a technical services unit or a role that completes technical-services tasks…
Call for Feedback: Current Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States and Explanatory Supplement (Deadline Tues., Nov. 30)
(via the ALA RUSA STARS Codes, Guidelines, and Technical Standards Committee) This is a reminder that the ALA RUSA STARS Codes, Guidelines, and Technical Standards Committee needs your feedback concerning the current Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States and its Explanatory Supplement. Under current RUSA guidelines, the ILL Code and Supplement are reviewed and updated regularly. As part of the…
Call for Participation: Survey on Perceptions of, and Experiences with, Technology in Modern Libraries (Deadline Tues., Nov. 30)
(via Michelle Lenox, Pacific University) We invite you to participate in a survey of the perceptions of and experiences with technology in modern libraries in the United States. You have been invited to complete this survey because you work in libraries or are a library student. The survey will take about 10-15 minutes to complete…
Final Call for Participation: Survey on Library Instruction and Critical Thinking Activism in a Post-Truth World
(via Laureen Cantwell, Colorado Mesa University) This is the final call to participate in a survey on library instruction and critical thinking activism in a post-truth world. More details, including the link to the survey, are below. Note: We ask a few things about institution, job role, etc. – we do not ask any identifying info,…
Call for Participation: Survey About the Impact of COVID-19 on Technical-Services Units (Deadline Sat., Jan. 1)
(via Elizabeth Szkirpan, University of Tulsa) I am conducting a survey on the impact of COVID-19 on technical-services units and librarians who share technical tasks (e.g. school librarians who may be cataloging books for their libraries) and aims to learn more about the changes that occurred or did not occur as a direct result of…
Final Call for Participation: Survey on Streaming-Video Collections in Academic Libraries (Deadline Sun., Oct. 31)
(via Bonnie Thornton, Mississippi State University) Last call for participating in our survey! If you are a library employee at an academic institution of higher education in the United States, we invite you to participate in our research on how academic libraries manage their streaming-video collections. The purpose of our study is to explore the…
Call for Participation: Survey on Library Patrons and Conspiracy Theories
(via Stephanie Beene, University of New Mexico) Please see below for details of a research study that a colleague and I are conducting. This is a follow-up to our article “A call to action for librarians: Countering conspiracy theories in the age of QAnon”, and we hope to hear from you! You are invited to participate…
Call for Feedback: Future of ACRL Awards Program (Deadline Fri., Oct. 29)
(via Merinda Kaye Hensley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) At its January 2021 meeting, the ACRL Board of Directors approved a proposal to pause ACRL’s awards program and appointed a task force to undertake a critical review of the program and make recommendations for its future. This pause presents an opportunity to ensure all ACRL awards align with the…