(via Dr. Jennifer Steele, Louisiana State University) Are you a librarian at an academic library who would be willing to share about your library’s accessibility efforts? Consider completing the following survey. The survey is being conducted by Dr. Jennifer Steele with the School of Library and Information Studies. Dr. Steele can be reached by phone…
Category: Surveys
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Use for invitation for participation in surveys and reports of survey results.
Call for Participation: Research Study “Exploring knowledge management in academic libraries”–Researchers Include Chicago State University’s Joanna Kolendo
(via Jennifer Corbin, Stetson University) You are invited to participate in a research study titled “Exploring knowledge management in academic libraries” conducted by Joanna Kolendo, Associate Professor and Research & Electronic Resources Librarian at Chicago State University; Jennifer Corbin, Associate Professor and Director of Public Services at Stetson University; and Joshua Vossler, Dean of University Libraries…
Call for Participation: Research Project “Prevalence of Bullying in Academic Medical Libraries in the United States”–Deadline Sat., Nov. 30
(via Maggie Albro–University of Tennessee, Knoxville) A research project, “Prevalence of Bullying in Academic Medical Libraries in the United States”, is underway and inviting participation. This research seeks to determine the prevalence of workplace bullying in the academic medical and hospital library community. Study Details: You are eligible to participate in the research if Those interested in…
Call for Participation: Survey on Role of Race and Gender Expression and How It Intersects with Educational Expectations as a Profession–Dominican University’s Sarah Voels is Investigator
(via Sarah Voels, doctoral student at Dominican University) My name is Sarah Voels, and I am a doctoral student in Information Studies at Dominican University (River Forest, IL). I am conducting a survey of library professionals who have or are in the process of completing their Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program. This study focuses…
Call for Participation: Research Survey to Assess the Uptake of Linked Data Technologies for Cultural Heritage Description in the Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums (GLAM) Community–UIUC’s Stephanie Luke is a Co-Investigator
(via Regine Heberlein, Princeton University) We are seeking participants for a research survey to assess the uptake of Linked Data technologies for cultural heritage description in the Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums (GLAM) community. The results from this survey are intended to capture the degree to which Linked Data is being implemented or used by…
Call for Participation: Survey “Proficiencies for Assessment in Academic Libraries: Importance and Where They Should Be Acquired”–Co-Investigators Include UIC’s Dr. Jung Mi Scoulas
(via Dr. Rebecca Croxton, Colorado State University) The Proficiencies for Assessment in Academic Libraries: Importance and Where They Should Be Acquired research team invites individuals who participate in academic library assessment in your institutions (e.g., primary role, component of your job, member of an assessment committee, supervise assessment professionals, etc.) to complete this survey to…
Call for Participation: NNLM Member Survey
(via Jacqueline Leskovec, Network of the National Library of Medicine – Region 6) Every couple of years, the NNLM reaches out to its member organizations for feedback on its membership, its value and to learn more about unmet needs. If your member organization was actively engaged with the NNLM from May 1, 2023, to April 30,…
Call for Participation: Survey on Experiences and Perceptions of Academic Library Employees Who Have Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder
(via Theresa Holliday, University of South Carolina Upstate) I’m conducting research on the experiences and perceptions of academic library employees with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). If you’re a current academic library employee-faculty, staff, student, or administrator with ADHD, please consider participating in this study. You do not need a formal diagnosis to participate. If you…
Call for Participation: Survey “Liaison Librarian Models in Academic Libraries”
(via Samantha Thompson-Franklin, University of Idaho) The University of North Texas and University of Idaho Libraries are seeking participants who are at least 18 years old and a Liaison Librarian in an academic library to participate in a research study titled, “Liaison Librarian Models in Academic Libraries”. The purpose of this study is to conduct…
Call for Participation: Survey on Making Library Workplaces More Neuroinclusive, from Perspective of Neurotypical Librarians–Deadline Sun., Sept. 15
(via Christine Moeller, PhD candidate at University of Washington iShcool) Are you a “neurotypical” (do not identify as neurodivergent) librarian at a US public or academic library? Are you interested in improving neuroinclusion at your workplace? Please consider participating in our survey, which is the next phase of an IMLS-funded research project conducted by faculty and graduate students from…