(via Mallory Jallas, Illinois State University) Academic librarians in the United States and Canada that are currently working as a Student Success Librarian are invited to participate in an hour-long focus group on student success in academic libraries. In appreciation for your participation in the focus group you will be provided with a $20 gift…
Category: Surveys
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Use for invitation for participation in surveys and reports of survey results.
Call for Participation: Survey on Library Instruction Adaptations and Support During and Beyond COVID-19 (Deadline Fri., Aug. 13)
(via CARLI) Calling all library employees at CARLI Institutions who provide library instruction. The CARLI Instruction Committee seeks input from library employees at CARLI member institutions who provide instruction for a research study. The purpose of this study is to explore the degree to which library employees have altered their approach to instruction throughout and…
Call for Participation: Survey on Library Services for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Closes Tues., July 6)
(via Gerard Shea, Seton Hall University) All academic librarians are invited to participate in a survey about library services for students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We are interested in investigating what library services are being provided for college students with autism spectrum disorder at academic libraries in the United States. If you are an…
Call for Participation: Survey on Covid-19’s Impact Upon Yoga Programs at Academic Libraries (Deadline Wed., June 30)
(via Brian Quinn, Texas Tech University) Please consider taking the following survey. Yoga programs are very popular on campuses across the US; however, yoga as outreach has been written about in the library literature with the focus on the programs in public libraries. This survey will ask about higher education outreach yoga programs that have been…
Call for Participation: Survey on Employment and Job-Seeking Experiences of BIPOC Librarians (Deadline Wed., July 14)
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) On behalf of REFORMA, the National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking, thank you for your interest in this survey. This survey is part of the project entitled “Telling Our Stories: Community Building and Leadership, Recruit and Retain Latinx to the Library…
Call for Feedback: ACRL Visual Literacy Task Force’s Draft of The Framework for Visual Literacy (Deadline Wed., July 7)
(via Dana Thompson, Murray State University) The ACRL Visual Literacy Task Force is currently seeking feedback on The Framework for Visual Literacy. We are asking you to consider how you might use this document. We would also like to understand how it could be improved to better align with your needs. We thank you in advance…
Call for Participation: Survey on Professional Reading and Reading Groups in Libraries
(via Holiday Vega, University of Chicago) You are invited to participate in a survey about professional reading and reading groups in libraries. This study explores how reading and reading groups may contribute to the research, professional practice, and overall professional development of librarians and library workers. We expect the survey to take 5-10 minutes to complete. Unless you…
Call for Examples of Libraries’ Open Access Policies (Research for Upcoming ALA Publication)–Deadline Tues., May 25
(via Rachel Scott, Associate Dean for Information Assets at Illinois State University’s Milner Library) Two years ago we emailed to request your input on open access policies in your libraries. Our findings were recently published in portal and are available here. We thank you for your input and invite you to offer your feedback on…
Call for Participation: Survey on Library Staff Perceptions of Students’ Information Literacy Skills
(via Liz Miller, University of Arkansas at Little Rock) I am a doctoral candidate at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, currently conducting dissertation research regarding professional and paraprofessional library staffs’ perceived information literacy ability and skill expectations for students at the secondary and postsecondary educational levels. I am seeking your participation for this…
Call for Participation: Survey on Academic and Medical Librarian Instruction During COVID-19 (Deadline Mon., May 17)
(via Sally Pine, University of Washington) We are conducting a research survey of the medical and academic librarian community to find out lessons learned with regards to your library instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic. The insight you provide will help us to better understand how to prepare for future potential challenges to make our institutions…