(via Diane Foote, ILA Executive Director) The Illinois Library Association has made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s in-person conference scheduled for October 20-22, at the BOS Center in Springfield. The Conference Program Committee, ILA Vice President/President-Elect Veronica De Fazio, and staff believe that the safety and well-being of our community outweigh any prearranged…
Category: Surveys
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Midwest Data Librarian Symposium 2020 to Take Place Virtually (Date TBD), and Survey on Sessions and Format Closes May 22
(via Cameron Cook, University of Wisconsin-Madison) Given the current impact of COVID-19 on our daily lives, it is difficult to know what the fall of this year will look like for many of us. Given that travel may be difficult due to limited professional development budgets or potential risks to health, the 2020 planning committee…
Call for Participation: Survey for Academic Librarians and Archivists with Invisible Disabilities (Deadline Friday, May 15)
(via Katelyn Manwiller, DeSales University) My name is Katelyn Quirin Manwiller, and I am a librarian at DeSales University. I’m working with a team of library researchers, Samantha Peter from University of Wyoming, Heather Crozier from Ohio Northern University, and Amelia Anderson from Old Dominion University. We are writing to invite you to participate in…
Call for Participation: RAILS Survey on Special Cataloging Services (Deadline Tuesday, June 2)
(via RAILS) RAILS would like to send out a survey to determine the special cataloging needs of our members. This will help us identify how to focus on special cataloging projects. Please consider encouraging your members to fill out our cataloging services survey. Feel free to share this information in your newsletter or listserves. The…
Reminder: RAILS Seeking Examples of Essential Actions and Services During COVID-19
(via RAILS) Libraries are providing a wide variety of needed virtual services during the COVID-19 pandemic, even though library buildings are closed. To assist RAILS with its effort to identify all of the essential services that libraries are providing during this time, please complete this survey. To see examples of possible service categories, one may…
Call for Participation: University of Chicago Survey on Peer Evaluation of Library Instruction
(via Emily Treptow, University of Chicago) You are invited to participate in a survey of academic librarians on the utilization and efficacy of peer reviews of teaching or peer observations of instruction (hereafter referred to as peer review of teaching). The purpose of this survey is to determine how librarians are using peer review in…
Reminder: RAILS/ILA/IACRL Collecting Information on Libraries’ Virtual Programming During COVID-19
(via Michelle Nielsen Ott, IACRL President) Please take this opportunity to help RAILS and ILA/IACRL collect virtual programming going on at this time. All Illinois libraries are encouraged to complete the form for all their virtual programs, you do not have to be a RAILS member. RAILS is currently surveying and compiling a list of the…
Call for Participation: RAILS/ILA/IACRL Virtual Programs Survey
(via Krista Bowers Sharpe, Western Illinois University, on behalf of Michelle Nielsen Ott, IACRL President) Please take this opportunity to help RAILS and ILA/IACRL collect virtual programming going on at this time. All Illinois libraries are encouraged to complete the form for all their virtual programs, you do not have to be a RAILS member….
RAILS Seeking Presenters for Webinars on a Variety of Topics Relevant to Library Staff and Users
(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago, on behalf of Joe Filapek, RAILS) RAILS is reaching out to our talented membership looking for individuals/teams interested in presenting a webinar for staff at our member libraries. At a time when learning opportunities are necessarily shifting online, we are looking to offer a variety of webinars…
Call for Participation: Survey on Low-Morale Experiences and COVID-19
(via Kaetrena Davis Kendrick, University of South Carolina Lancaster) I’ve created an informal survey to document if and how library responses to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) are intersecting with ongoing Low-Morale Experiences (repeated and protracted exposure to workplace abuse or neglect – Kendrick, 2017). The survey is open to librarians and archivists working in all kinds of…