(via Elizabeth (Betsy) Sterner, HSLI Nominating & Elections Committee Chair)
The HSLI office of Treasurer is the only office open for election in the fall of 2020. It is a two-year term. The duties of the Treasurer include the following responsibilities.
- to keep a register of the paid members
- to collect assessments, maintain the funds of the organization, and pay bills
- to submit a financial report to the membership at the annual meeting
- to fill out and submit Federal/State/or local forms required to run the organization/corporation
If interested, please contact me at esterner@govst.edu. Let me know by Tuesday, September 15. Include a short description of your professional experience and interests.
The election is tentatively scheduled for the last two weeks of September. Currently, Laura Wimmer (laura.wimmer@amitahealth.org) is finishing her second term as Treasurer. If interested, I recommend contacting Laura for her insight and details of the position.
Thank you for your interest.