The roundtables held at the 2010 HSLI Annual Conference were-well received; participants were lively and very much involved with the topics under discussion. This outcome supports the likelihood that these discussion groups will become a permanent feature of future conferences. The results of recording and photographing the sessions were mixed, and continued experimentation with these efforts is indicated. Appointment of a scribe for all sessions is recommended for any future sessions because the sessions that employed a scribe presented a much clearer picture of the course of the discussion. Also, moderation by the scribe or another participant is recommended.
As a theme for the 2011 conference is developed, members are encouraged to give some thought to topic selection for roundtable discussions. Your input will be most appreciated by the Planning Committee.
Thank you to Roy Jones, MSLS, AHIP, Manager of the Library & Resource Center at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria, Illinois for providing the information for this story.