Through the years, Health Science Librarians of Illinois (HSLI) Annual Conference receptions have provided a venue for attendees, vendors, and guests to relax, network, and enjoy good food. This year’s Nancy’s Reception will take place on Thursday evening, October 26th. The event will follow a full day of continuing education activities at the 2017 conference, providing an opportunity to chat with vendors and poster presenters, enjoy a tasty meal, and bid on items in a silent auction. Now a tradition at the conferences, the annual reception honors Nancy Stump, a longtime, fun-loving, active HSLI member who served as HSLI president from 1990 to 1993. Each year, Nancy’s Reception is unique in its own special way.
A highlight of this year’s reception will be a presentation by experienced Illinois State University chemistry professor Dr. Marjorie Jones, which she calls “Magic Show: Is it Science or Magic?”. This is how she describes the evening’s educational entertainment segment and what attendees can expect:
Since I have always been curious of the physical world in which I live, I have enjoyed doing science as both a researcher and educator and a kid. I especially like to do hands-on experiments with a variety of groups and ages. In this event, we will probe some chemical and biochemical experiments that can have the perception of “magic”, but can be explained using our experience and knowledge of the materials used. I will do some demonstrations of physical and chemical properties of common materials (often obtained from stores), as well as materials from biological sources. For example, what do baker’s yeast and potassium iodine have in common? How can we measure the amount of vitamin C in oranges? We will do a few hands-on experiments, because science is not a spectator sport, in my opinion. I hope that this will be fun, a bit entertaining, and a bit educational. I look forward to this event…
Plan on joining HSLI colleagues and guests at this year’s HSLI Annual Conference and Nancy’s Reception in Bloomington, IL, from October 25-27. For more information, visit the Conference website.