(via Molly Horio)
HSLI elects new leaders each year, so we can continue to provide professional and educational development and networking opportunities for Illinois librarians, information professionals, and library students in the health sciences. This fall, HSLI will elect a new President-Elect. The President-Elect will serve a one-year term, to commence at the close of the HSLI Annual Business Meeting in October 2015. After serving one year as President-Elect, the incumbent will become HSLI President for two years.
Please nominate a colleague who is an active HSLI member, or volunteer to run for the office yourself! It is a great opportunity to contribute to the profession and to grow as a leader. Please submit your nominations and/or questions to Molly Horio, Nominations and Elections Committee Chair, by Friday August 28, 2015 at molly.horio@advocatehealth.com.