(via Gwen Greogry, incoming IACRL President)
Will you be in Peoria this week? If you are at the Illinois Library Conference, please consider attending several IACRL events. Everyone is welcome at these events, even if you are not registered at the conference. We will be hosting a site on the Pub Stroll (New Amsterdam Brewery, Thursday 6-10 pm). Our business meeting and lunch will be Friday at 12:15 pm in the LaSalle Room at the Pere Marquette Hotel. You can attend the business meeting even if you didn’t pay for the lunch. IACRL will also have a table in the back of the exhibit area. Stop by and say hello! We will have IACRL t-shirts for sale.
There are a number of presentations and poster sessions featuring academic library topics at the conference. It is also a great place to meet colleagues from other types of libraries and learn about what they do. Single day registration is available. For more information, visit the conference website at http://librariesillinois.org/.