(via the Illinois Library Association)
Are you working from home or otherwise dealing with #quarantine2020? Have you found that your daily schedule is now a little different than you’re used to? Consider writing a blog post for the ILA Connecter!
We are always accepting entries that deal with topics relevant to libraries, but are currently interested in posts about how you or your library is dealing with COVID-19. Is your library conducting virtual storytimes while its physical doors are closed? Are you an instructor that is participating in e-learning? Or, maybe you’re using the extra time at home to pick up a forgotten hobby or to meet a reading goal. Whatever you’ve got going on during this time, we’re interested in reading about it.
If you’d like to submit a blog post, please e-mail Kendall Harvey, at kharvey@ila.org, and attach a Word document or PDF of your submission. You may also e-mail Kendall Harvey with any questions about the ILA Connecter.