The American Library Association is proud to announce its partnership with the Canadian Library Association (CLA) and the University of Toronto iSchool in offering its popular MOOC (Massively Open Online Course), entitled “Library Advocacy Unshushed: Values, Evidence, Action”, beginning February 1, 2015.
Offered through the EdX consortium, in which the University of Toronto collaborates with other leading universities, “Library Advocacy Unshushed”, is now available for registration via this URL:
The course will start on February 2, 2015, and ends March 23, 2015. There is no prerequisite, though basic knowledge of librarianship is recommended. Through this open form of course delivery, including videos, online discussions, quizzes, and video interviews with guest experts, participants will learn how to be powerful advocates for the values and future of libraries and librarianship. Participants should expect to commit four to five hours of study per week.
For more information, visit