Amanda Musacchio, Resource Sharing Specialist at the Reaching Across Illinois Library System, presented at the 2016 Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference. This year’s gathering took place from June 9 to June 10 in Indianapolis. The purpose of the conference is to train resource-sharing divisions from across the Midwest, exchange ideas for collaboration, and keep up-to-date with the latest trends in resource-sharing tools and practices. Musacchio’s presentation, titled “Introducing the Rethinking RUSA STARS Resource Sharing Checklist Version 2: How Your Library Can Become a STAR!”, discussed the recent changes to the Checklist and the process by which all types of libraries, including academic ones, can earn “STAR” status . Attendees also learned how their libraries can use the guidelines outlined in the STAR Checklist to improve resource-sharing services, while reducing costs.
To see the full list of presentations, go here. Also, RAILS Associate Executive Director Jane Plass served on the conference planning committee.