(via Dr. Dennis Krieb, Lewis & Clark Community College)
I would like to invite anyone interested in the burgeoning topic of data analytics and academic libraries to join the new Institutional Research Interest Group. Beginning September 1, 2017, you can join the Institutional Research Interest Group through your ALA membership record, and participate through the interest group’s ALA Connect space and the ACRL listserv.
As data-driven decision making continues to increase its impact upon higher education, academic libraries will need to identify strategies to quantifiably communicate their impact upon students, faculty, and the institutions they serve. This includes connecting library services, collections, and personnel to student success measures such as retention and completion. The shift to evidence-based research in support of student success is also being adopted by regional higher education accrediting agencies.
We hope that the Institutional Research Interest Group will serve as a forum for academic librarians to learn and share how data is being integrated within their libraries to inform decision making and improve assessment. It is also the plan that the Institutional Research Interest Group will host online webinars related to its charge. (The charge, link to join, and roster of the Institutional Research Interest Group are provided below)
The Institutional Research Interest Group serves as a forum for discussing issues related to the use of data in decision-making at the institutional level, the role of librarians in data stewardship on their campuses, and the ways in which library data are included in data tools consulted by senior academic leaders in operational and strategic decisions at the campus level, e.g., data warehouses, dashboards, advising systems.
Dr. Dennis Krieb (Co-Convenor, July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018) dkrieb@lc.edu
Shane Nackerud (Co-Convenor, July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018) snackeru@umn.edu
Chase Ollis (Staff Liaison, July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018)
To join the group, go here. If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas for discussion topics or events, please contact either Mr. Nackerud or Dr. Krieb.