(via Bobbi Newman, National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region)
The National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) Greater Midwest Region (GMR) is looking for individuals from our service area (IA, IL, IN, OH, KY, ND, SD, MI, MN, WI) to serve on the Public Libraries Advisory Group for our third year, May 1 2018 – April 30, 2018
As the GMR moves into the third year this advisory group will help steer the efforts of the GMR and the members in planning funding, educational offerings, and other programs and services of interest to members who are public libraries and other members interested in partnering with public libraries.
I am hoping you will consider serving or can recommend someone who would be interested (please forward this email to any interested party). We would meet a minimum of 4 times per year online.
More information about the group’s responsibilities and activities is below. If you have any questions or would like to participate, please contact me, at bobbi-newman@uiowa.edu.
The Public Libraries Advisory Group will assist the Greater Midwest Region (GMR) office of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) in planning funding, educational offerings, and other programs and services of interest to members who are public libraries and other members interested in partnering with public libraries.
* Provide input annually on funding opportunities offered
* Serve as a focus group for new classes proposed that have public libraries as an intended audience
* Assist in scoring evaluations for funding proposals from public libraries or partner with public libraries.
* Serve as a channel of communication between the GMR office and state and regional public library organizations.
* The focus group will consist of a mix of approximately 8 to 10 individuals. A diverse representation will be sought from public library employees and employees of organization interested in partnering with public libraries on health initiatives.
* Term of service begins May 1 2018 and ends April 30 2019
* Term limits will be for one year with the option for renewal
* Meetings will be held via web conferencing software, a minimum of 4 times each year, lasting approximately 30 minutes.
* A general outline of meeting topics is as follows:
o Summer/Fall: Update on Projects; Educational Offering Reviews
o Winter: Input on Upcoming Funding Opportunities
o Spring: Funding Opportunity Reviews