(via Rebecca Brown, Network of the National Library of Medicine) Please join the Network of the National Library of Medicine on Wednesday, March 2, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM CDT, for the webinar “Health Statistics on the Web”. This live, 1-hour class will focus on the importance and relevance of health statistics in various contexts, and on the location,…
Call for Proposals: ACRL Distance and Online Library Instruction Virtual Poster Session (April 25-29, Mon.-Fri.)–Deadline Fri., Feb. 11
(via the Poster Session organizers) Calling all library workers! Do you have a tool, project, or great idea about teaching and learning online that you’d like to share with your peers? The ACRL Distance and Online Learning Section Instruction Committee (DOLS-IC) invites you to submit a proposal to our fourth annual Distance and Online Library Instruction Virtual Poster…
Legislative News, 01/28/2022
Federal Supreme Court blocks vaccine-or-mask mandate for larger employers (Roll Call, Jan. 13, 2022) Unspent funds color debate over additional pandemic relief (Roll Call, Jan. 28, 2022) New ban on surprise medical bills starts today (New York Times via the CDC Public Health Law News, January 2022) [See also: H.R. 133, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021,…
Call for Program Proposals: 2022 ILA Annual Conference (Oct. 18-20 in Rosemont)–Deadline Mon., April 4
(via the Illinois Library Association) In 2022, we will convene in Rosemont, Illinois (Tuesday, October 18 – Thursday, October 20), for the first in-person ILA Annual Conference in over two years. This year’s theme–“At the Heart of It”–focuses on what brings us together and how we can remove barriers to collaboration. Therefore, we highly encourage you to…
Call for Proposals Extended: 20th Annual Information Literacy Summit (Online Fri., April 29)–New Deadline Fri., Feb. 4
(via Jason Ertz, College of DuPage) DePaul University Library and College of DuPage Library are pleased to announce that we will be partnering to co-host the 2022 Information Literacy Summit on Friday, April 29. This will be an all-virtual event. We are seeking presenters to lead engaging and interactive discussions about information literacy and library instruction. We…
Registration Open for ACRL Diversity Alliance Webinar “Residency Interest Group’s (RIG) Diversity Residency Toolkit & Resident-Centered Framework” (Mon., Feb. 7, at 1:30 PM CDT)
(via Annie Bélanger, Dean of University Libraries at Grand Valley State University) The ACRL Diversity Alliance Taskforce is hosting a series of webinars on diversity residencies, inclusive hiring, and onboarding for inclusion and retention. The first webinar, with Grand Valley State University Libraries as the sponsor, is titled “Residency Interest Group’s (RIG) Diversity Residency Toolkit & Resident-Centered…
Call for Participation: Survey on Managing Exhibits Online During COVID-19 (Deadline Thurs., Feb. 10)
(via Pam Hackbart-Dean, University of Illinois Chicago) The University of Illinois Chicago and Southern Illinois University Carbondale are conducting a research survey of archivists, librarians, and museum curators to understand how online exhibits are being used and managed to support institutional and programmatic missions. The aim of this survey is to investigate current policies and…
Reminder: Proposals Deadline for 20th Library Research Forum (Online April 26-27) is Fri., Feb. 4
(via Megan Fitzgibbons, Concordia University in Montréal) Proposals are now being accepted for the 20th Library Research Forum at Concordia University (Montreal, Canada). This year’s Research Forum will again be held virtually, in the afternoon of April 26 and 27 (Tuesday and Wednesday). The annual Research Forum provides an opportunity for librarians, archivists, graduate students, teaching faculty, and information professionals to…
Reminder: RAILS Seeking Member Feedback on E-News Content
(via Dan Bostrom, RAILS) The RAILS E-News is our main mode of communication with our members. It’s packed with information for all types and sizes of libraries, and for multiple levels of staff. We publish it weekly with news from RAILS, our member libraries, other library institutions, and the greater library world. We want to…
Reminder: Planning Committee for 2022 Learning Innovations Conference (Online Wed., April 27) Seeking Presentation Proposals
(via Angelina Mabrey, Rend Lake College) We are excited to welcome everyone back to the Learning Innovations Conference! This year the Conference will be held as a virtual one-day conference via Zoom on Wednesday, April 27. We are seeking presenters to host an array of topics related to “Innovative Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Technology”. We encourage discussion,…