(via ACRL) Nominations are now open for the ACRL Instruction Section’s Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award. This award recognizes an individual librarian who has built a record of contributions over time that have advanced the pursuit of teaching and learning in a college or research library environment. The award honors Miriam Dudley, whose pioneering efforts…
Save the Date and Call for Proposals: “Spark: Trial by Fire – Lessons Learned from a Pandemic” Online Event (Wed., Dec. 9, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM) — Deadline Fri., Oct. 23
IACRL is pleased to announce a second Spark event for 2020. Join us for “Spark: Trial by Fire – Lessons Learned from a Pandemic”. Spark will be held online Wednesday, December 9, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM, via Zoom. Librarians from all libraries in Illinois are welcome and encouraged to attend. The planning committee is…
Registration Open for ACRL Florida Chapter’s 2020 Virtual Conference (Friday, October 16)
(via Alyssa Koclanes, FACRL President) We are excited to announce that registration for the ACRL Florida Chapter’s 2020 Virtual Conference is open. This year’s Conference will be FACRL’s first-ever virtual meeting and will be focused on Demonstrating the Value of Academic Libraries During the COVID-19 Pandemic. This year’s FACRL Virtual Conference will include the following events and activities. 12 live presentations four sessions with…
Election for HSLI Treasurer is Now Open
(via Elizabeth (Betsy) Sterner, Nominating and Elections Committee Chair) HSLI Members, It is time to vote for your next HSLI Treasurer. We have two outstanding candidates running for office, Charlotte Beyer and Goeff Pettys. Please check your e-mail for their bios and the link to the ballot. The online ballot is quick and easy, so…
Legislative News, 09/21/2020
Federal News Senate Democrats block Republican Covid relief proposal [Politico, 9/10/2020] “Senate Democrats blocked a scaled-down, $500 billion Republican coronavirus relief measure Thursday, weakening the chances that Congress will approve another package before the November election.” (S.178) Pushing for Action on LSFA [American Libraries, 9/14/2020] “[The Library Stabilization Fund Act] (S. 4181/H.R. 7486) would establish…
Registration Open for Free National Network of Libraries of Medicine Course “PubMed Tips for Expert Searchers” (Fri., Nov. 6, 9:00-11:00 AM CDT)
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) Previous updates noted that the Ohio Health Sciences Library Association was in the process of providing feedback to NNLM for a free advanced PubMed CE live webinar course, to be held on Friday, November 6, from 9:00 to 11:00 AM CDT. Registration…
Registration Open for Next Online with the CMC Webinar, “Punctuate the Positive, or Eliminate the Negative” (Thurs., Oct. 8, 10:00-11:00 AM CDT)
(via Dr. Pamela Thomas, Illinois Heartland Library System) Registration is now open for the next Cataloging Maintenance Center Online with the CMC webinar. More information is below. Thursday, October 8, 2020: “Punctuate the Positive, or Eliminate the Negative” Cheri Schuler-Faust will discuss options regarding the use of punctuation when newly authenticating bibliographic records. Fully punctuate…
Call for Participation: ILA Survey on Libraries and EDI (Deadline Fri., Sept. 25)
(via the Illinois Library Association) On behalf of the Illinois Library Association Diversity Committee, we ask that those currently employed in a library setting complete this survey to let us know what your professional training needs are during this time of extraordinary change. These trainings are to help libraries explore the different dimensions of diversity (race,…
Call for Proposals: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Libraries: Progress and Promise? Amigos Online Event (Wed., Dec. 2) — Deadline Tues., Sept. 29
(via Jodie Borgerding, Amigos Library Services) Equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) initiatives and practices have been at the forefront of library services for several years. However, now we need to ask ourselves, are we not only talking the talk, but walking the walk when it comes to EDI. Are the EDI initiatives and plans we…
IACRL at the 2020 ILA Virtual Conference
(via the Illinois Library Association) IACRL is sponsoring IACRL @ ILA–a track of programming for academic librarians at the 2020 ILA Virtual Conference. IACRL @ ILA programming is open to all conference attendees and academic librarians are free to attend programs outside the IACRL @ ILA track. In lieu of its traditional luncheon and membership…