(via Kimberly Boyd, Brenau University) The latest webinar in the Georgia Library Association’s Carterette Series, “Effective and Valuable Outreach: Aligning Activities to Goal-Driven Assessment”, will take place on Wednesday, July 19, at 1:00 PM CST. To register, click here. Can’t make it to the live show? The session will be recorded and made available on the Carterette Series…
STS Liaisons Online Forum on Wednesday, July 12 (2:15-3:30 PM)
(via Li Zhang, University of Saskatchewan) Join us for the the ACRL-STS Liaisons Online Forum, which will take place on Wednesday, July 12, from 2:15 to 3:30 PM CST. The Forum will be presented by the STS Liaisons Committee. STS maintains a liaison program to encourage STS members to report on the meetings and activities of…
Free “How Libraries Can Help Students from Disadvantaged Socio-economic Backgrounds” Online Event August 1
(via Laura Gariepy, Virginia Commonwealth University) The online program “How Libraries Can Help Students from Disadvantaged Socio-economic Backgrounds” will be offered on Tuesday, August 1, at 11:00 AM CST. To register for the program, follow this link and click on “Register”. The program will be recorded for later viewing if you are unable to attend the live session. This program…
Proposals Deadline for Privacy & Security for Today’s Library Conference Extended to 7/14
(via Jodie Borgerding, Amigos Library Services) We hear a lot about how to handle difficult patrons, cybersecurity, and protecting patron data. However, other areas of security and privacy often get overlooked. Have you thought about your library’s equipment, archives, and even the building itself? On Thursday, September 21, Amigos Library Services will be hosting an online…
Bloomberg Receives Hugh Atkinson Memorial/Demco Award
(via the Illinois Library Association) Kathleen L. Bloomberg, formerly the Associate Director of Operations of the Illinois State Library and now recently retired, is the 2017 recipient of the Illinois Library Association Hugh Atkinson Memorial/Demco Award. The award recognizes an individual, group, program, or institution for sustained activity and contributions having a lasting impact on…
UIUC’s Ruan Named Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year
(via the Illinois Library Association) Dr. Lian Ruan is the 2017 recipient of the Illinois Library Association (ILA) Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year Award. The award, presented by the ILA Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries (IACRL) Forum, recognizes an Illinois librarian who is making an outstanding statewide contribution to academic or research…
Legislative Update, 07/07/2017
Federal: The American Health Care Act of 2017 is still under debate. Recent news coverage explores the costs of health care. Read this story on premiums and beyond from Politico, and look at this opinion piece comparing health-care spending across ten countries, including the U.S., from Bloomberg View. Continuing the discussion surrounding the authority of appointing the Register…
HSLI Annual Conference 2017: Call for Poster Abstracts
The Program Committee of HSLI invites proposals for posters for the HSLI Conference to be held October 26-27 in Bloomington, Illinois. The conference theme is “The Times are Changing.” We encourage you to take a literal or figurative approach to our theme (use your productive imagination). Ideas can include, but are not limited to the…
Illinois Academic Librarians Featured in AL Direct Coverage of ALA Annual
Several Illinois academic and research librarians were included in AL Direct‘s coverage of the ALA 2017 Annual Conference. Veronda Pitchford, Director of Membership Development and Resource Sharing at the Reaching Across Illinois Library System, was mentioned in the article Top Tech Trends: Advice for Makerspaces. Pitchford was part of the LITA Top Technology Trends Panel, and she…
Applicants Sought for August 2017 NCBI-NLM Bioinformatics Hackathon
(via Derek Johnson, National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) From Monday, August 14, to Wednesday, August 16, the NCBI, with involvement from several NIH institutes, will host a Biomedical Data Science hackathon at the National Library of Medicine on the NIH campus. The hackathon will primarily focus on medical informatics, advanced bioinformatics analysis of…