Since this is my last “President’s Message”, I want to thank everyone for the opportunity to serve in this role. According to the list on the website, only 27 people, total, have held the position since HSLI’s founding, so I consider it a true honor and privilege to have led this organization. I have enjoyed working with all of the Board members, and I appreciate your willingness to take the initiative and step up whenever necessary. Your efforts have made my job as President easier.
I want to extend a similar thanks to the Conference Planning Committee, including this year’s group. We are making steady progress toward finalizing the details for the three-day online meeting from Wednesday, October 23, to Friday, October 25. The different subcommittees have been indefatigable in completing various tasks in-between the monthly meetings, and this has helped the Committee as a whole stay on schedule. Due to the sponsorships and the possibility of having a significant number of out-of-state attendees at the online meeting, this year’s Conference should finish well above break-even, which will help with the logistics for future in-person meetings. Please continue to watch the Conference webpage for the latest information, and remember that the registration deadline is Monday, October 21.
And, to the HSLI membership as a whole, thank you for your support and engagement. As we are all aware, HSLI is a small organization, and its success is ultimately member-driven. Whether you entered the drawing for “Member of the Quarter”, helped put together an “ad hoc” webinar, or participated in the monthly “Coffee & Conversation”, your dedication has made belonging to HSLI a meaningful and positive experience for everyone in the organization.
Finally, I would like to thank Betsy Sterner for her willingness to serve as President. As you are all aware, Betsy has been highly involved in HSLI since she first joined the organization, including having served as Nominating and Elections Committee Chair. I have no doubt that she will continue to provide the organization with strong leadership during her term as President, and I hope you give her the same level of support you have given me.
Eric Edwards
2022-2024 HSLI President
Thank you, Eric, for being such an omnipresent , reliable, and competent leader!