(via Josh Sopiarz, Governors State University)
I would like to propose a panel on the academic library and student veterans in response to the call that went out for IACRL 2016: Raise Your Voice: Librarians in the Lead.
If you or anyone at your institution’s library has worked–or is working–with student veterans I would love to hear about it as soon as possible. Per the call, these panels would be conversational, comprised of 4-5 speakers, and last for 60 minutes including Q&A. Please email me and let me know what kinds of exciting things you are doing (or are planning) with student veterans if you’d like to be part of a panel next spring.
Of course, there is the possibility someone is already proposing this idea. If that’s the case, I’d also love to speak with you.
Mr. Sopiarz can be contacted at jsopiarz@govst.edu.