For two years there has been an ad hoc Helen Knoll Jira Scholarship Committee reporting to the HSLI board on the Jira Scholarship fund. As this committee has a permanent role, the proposed bylaws amendment adds the Helen Knoll Jira Scholarship Committee to the list of standing committee and lists the proposed committee’s charges. Please consider the amendment below and send any comments to the HSLI Bylaws Committee Chair, Jeanne Sadlik, by 12/31/2014.
Proposed addendum:
Actile V Committees
Section 1: Standing Committees
HSLI Standing Committees shall include a Nomination and Elections Committee, a Bylaws Committee, a Membership Committee, and a Legislative Committee, an Archives Committee, a Website Committee, a Newsletter Committee, a Conference Committee, and a Helen Knoll Jira Scholarship Committee.
- The HSLI Helen Knoll Jira Scholarship Committee shall:
- Select the investment firm to manage the funds
- Develop policies and procedures for the committee
- Decide selection criteria for awards to support graduate education in library science or a closely related field of benefit to the profession of librarianship
- Submit articles/announcements to the Newsletter Committee regarding scholarship deadlines and qualifications
- Monitor the application procedure for candidates and brief the Board on candidates