(via Bill Jones, SUNY Geneseo)
SUNYLA Midwinter Online Conference 2017
Library Hacks: Reuse, Repurpose, and Remix
Friday, February 10, 2017 (10:00 AM – 2:30 PM)
Cost of Attendance: Free to all!
Registration is open! Register here.
Librarians are some of the most creative people around, making things happen in times of shrinking budgets, limited staff, and constant deadlines. We’re also experts at sharing ideas and modifying them to work better at our locations. The SUNYLA Midwinter Online Conference planning committee is tapping into the librarian hive mind to share presentations on reusing, repurposing, and remixing existing tools, patron services, instructional practices, communication methods, and use of library space.
Presentations will be 15-20 minutes in length, and will include a demonstration of a library hack, what the presenter has learned that other librarians should know, and any positive/negative feedback that the presenter received about the hack.
Technology requirements for attendance: Computer, internet connection, microphone/speakers (headset recommended) or telephone. Zoom will be used for this conference and is free for use by attendees.