(via Emily Johnson, University of Illinois at Chicago Library of the Health Sciences – Peoria, and Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library at Northwestern University)
This is a reminder of the opportunity to apply for the Syed Maghrabi Conference Scholarship, to attend the 2017 Health Science Librarians of Illinois Conference in Bloomington, IL, on October 26 and 27. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, September 13, so do not delay in submitting an application. More information, including instructions for completing the application, is below.
The Scholarship, named in honor of dedicated HSLI member Syed Maghrabi (1945-2000), supports Health Science Librarians of Illinois (HSLI) members’ participation in the HSLI Conference. The Scholarship will provide reimbursement for a free 2017 HSLI Conference registration and one night at the Conference hotel. To apply, the applicant must be a current member of the Health Science Librarians of Illinois (2017 dues paid) and write a brief essay explaining why she or he is interested in receiving the Scholarship. Recipients are responsible for registering and making hotel arrangements on their own. After the Conference, each recipient will write an article for the HSLI Newsletter blog, explaining how she or he plans to apply professionally the knowledge gained at the Conference.
Please fill out the application form and submit to Miranda Shake, HSLI President. More information about previous scholarship recipients, and also on librarian Syed Maghrabi (1945-2000)–after whom the scholarship is named–can be found at the HSLI awards website.
Additional information on the 2017 HSLI Conference (October 25-27, in Bloomington, IL) can be found at the Conference website.