(via Elizabeth (Betsy) Sterner, Governors State University)
The purpose of this research is to understand the educational backgrounds of science/STEM librarians and why they entered the field. I invite you to take the survey if you work or have worked as a science/STEM librarian. Please feel free to share. This survey will close in two weeks on January 21, 2020.
Survey Link: Educational Background and Motivations of Science/STEM Librarians
Or: https://govst.libwizard.com/f/sciencejob
This research study is being conducted by Elizabeth Sterner, Health and Human Services Librarian, at Governors State University (IRB Exempt – FY2020-78). Your voluntary participation in the online survey is expected to take less than six minutes and is anonymous. You may quit without penalty at any time. There is no compensation for your participation. No identifiable personal information will be collected or retained. No risks are anticipated. The results will be shared in the forms of journal articles and/or presentations. Please contact Elizabeth Sterner (708-235-7517, esterner@govst.edu) if you have questions.